Morden painting with sublime effect
Cossacks is the dynamic tension between abstract form and concrete content. Figure: Wassily Kandinsky Cossacks 1910–11
The sense in which such work holds creative and destructive elements in tension has a clear connection with the togetherness of pain and pleasure that are distinctive features of the sublime. Figure: Duchamp’s Fresh Widow (1920)
A truly modern sublime is to reject the 'representation'. The modern painting will simply present itself to the viewer, in the here-and-now moment of the direct encounter between the physicality of the canvas and the spectator. Figure:BarnettNewman,VirHeroicusSublimis,
First time I come to know that sublime means a kind of supersensible power. It has different meaning as itself. It can be use in form of positivity as well as negativity. It is away beyond the concept of representation.