ASKING OUR FATHER We need prayer like you need oxygen, not like an oxygen mask in an emergency.


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Presentation transcript:


We need prayer like you need oxygen, not like an oxygen mask in an emergency.


ASKING OUR FATHER Prayer is to your Heavenly Father who loves you.

ASKING OUR FATHER Prayer is about the Father’s glory.

ASKING OUR FATHER Prayer is about your needs.

ASKING OUR FATHER Jesus uses the reluctant neighbor as a contrast to our Heavenly Father.

ASKING OUR FATHER There are times in our lives when we ask God for something and our prayers are answered immediately.

ASKING OUR FATHER The second level of prayer is seeking.

ASKING OUR FATHER The third level is knocking.


ASKING OUR FATHER God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you

ASKING OUR FATHER in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God's will the way may be opened for me to come to you.

ASKING OUR FATHER “the Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.”

ASKING OUR FATHER If we submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit in prayer then He will:

ASKING OUR FATHER guide you into the truth of God

ASKING OUR FATHER convict you of any sin in your life that is hindering you

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : love

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : joy

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : peace

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : patience

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : kindness

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : goodness

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : faithfulness

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : gentleness

ASKING OUR FATHER make you like Christ : self-control

ASKING OUR FATHER give you the words you need to say in every situation

ASKING OUR FATHER pray for you when you don’t know what to ask for

ASKING OUR FATHER give you a desire for great worship