MotivationsDirectionsRewards Breast Cancer Advocacy
Carrying signs The way it was…
Making our voices heard. THE WAY IT IS
Instead of running the race…… we need to take the LEAD Research, Education & Awareness
A three day Rosetta Stone for Breast Cancer Science offered by the National Breast Cancer Coalition LEAD Institute
Instead of searching for a cure… work to eradicate breast cancer
Sound research How the heck Do we plan to Eradicate Breast Cancer? Adequate funding Awareness & Education Access to good treatment ADVOCACY
Go where the money is Linda Creed goes to Washington Funding, Access to Treatment
Every year advocates from Pennsylvania travel to Washington, D.C. to attend the National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund’s Advocacy Conference and visit our elected officials to remind them of important breast cancer issues and legislation. We meet the most amazing people. Our Advocates in Action
March 2007 We visited Washington with Sheryl Crow to increase awareness of the Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act. Washington with Sheryl Crow
Sheryl with Advocates
CONGRESSIONAL VISITS We visit the offices of both senators and all members of Congress from Pennsylvania.
Congressman Jason Altmire
Congressman Patrick Murphy, entertaining a visit from Linda Creed Advocates (we start them young)
Senator Bob Casey promised to sign on
Enactment of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Act Enactment of the Access to Cancer Therapies Act Enactment of the Native American Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Technical Amendment Act Medicare Coverage of Routine Care Costs During Clinical Trial Participation Establishment of the Department of Defense (DoD) Breast Cancer Research Program 50 Percent Increase in Breast Cancer Research Funding at the National Cancer Institute Increased Congress' Accountability with NBCC's Annual Voting Record RESULTS OF OUR VISITS
Conferences on Advocacy Learning in the lab Taking our show on the road OUT AND ABOUT WITH LINDA CREED
ADVOCACY CAN BE FUN Just look at these smiling faces
People create change by having an interest, by promoting a cause, and by using their passion. Come hear how YOU can make a difference through advocacy. First Stop: Wilkes-Barre, 04/18/09 This FREE workshop is one of many Linda Creed will be holding throughout Pennsylvania that will teach you about the role you can play in advancing legislative initiatives and evaluating breast cancer research proposals.
Speakers Bureau E ducate the community & empower other women Media program Help shape the news about breast cancer OTHER WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE
2009 National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund’s Annual Advocacy Training Conference Omni Shoreham Hotel 2500 Calvert Street, NW Washington, DC May 2- May 5 limited scholarships available JOIN US IN 2009