Dafne e Apollo Sì rade volte,padre,se ne coglie Per triunfare o cesare o poeta, colpa e vergogna de l umane voglie, Che parturir letizia in su la lieta Delfica deità dovria la fronda Peneia, quando alcun di sé asseta. Dante paradiso I
The story Apollo is in love with Dafne Dafne does not love Apollo She runs away from him She turns into a tree (alloro) to escape Apollo still loves her
Deep meaning -True love should be about the inside, no about the outside -Chasing love is in vain, because eventually there is nothing left -One cannot escape love
Love for the inside English: Fight for this love (song) Just hold me (song) True colors (song) Phantom of the Opera (musical) Beauty and the Beast Italian: Dantes paradiso (poem) Petrarcas canzoniere (poem) Dutch: That man (song) Greek: Saffos poem Lotis (myth) Lotis (Greek myth)
Lotis Similar myth (Greek) About lust, not about love The nymph was changed into a lotis tree, not into an alloro (laurel)
Saffos poem Saffo was a female poet, born between VII and VI century B.C. The theme of Voigt is the same as the one in Daphne and Apollo: Love for the inside and metamorphosis Se ora fugge presto ti inseguirò se non accoglie i tuoi doni, te ne darò, se non ti ama, presto ti amerà, anche se non vuole. -Saffo I Voigt
Petrarcas work His most famous work is called Canzoniere There is similarity between the story of Daphne and Apollo, and Petrarcas one. Both the girls do not love their admirers.
Still important: yes or no? YES: -The theme of love for ones caracter, and not for his looks, keeps returning in stories and songs NO: -Only the most beautiful people are succesful on television and in modelling jobs
Conclusion Although there are mostly beautiful people on television, these people are not really loved for their looks.