Care of the TRPS back Help and Suggestions
Important Note CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR ON WHAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR YOU! THESE ARE ONLY SUGGESTIONS &IDEAS. THE WRITER ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PROBLEMS to the reader THAT MIGHT ARISE OUT OF THESE SUGGESTIONS OR IDEAS. **I am writing this in an effort to be helpful to others with TRPS who may be suffering from back pain as I do. I highly recommend checking with your doctor to find out what is appropriate in your situation. I cannot accept responsibility for any adverse affects such as pain or injury to those who do not heed this direction after reading this presentation. Most of what I’m showing here are things I have personally tried/used to relieve my own back pain. I suffer with degenerative disc disease, several herniated discs in my cervical and lumbar regions, pinched nerves/sciatica, arthritis of the back, and mild bone thinning in the lower lumbar region. I fully understand back pain and have tried multiple remedies to relieve it for myself, as well as my two sons who also have back problems due to having TRPS. I welcome from anyone additional suggestions not included here. Again: Take utmost care & responsibility for your back…we are only give one. As much as I try to offer helpful suggestions, not any one thing will work for everyone. That is why I stress the importance of checking with your doctor.
Backache PROBLEMS The Neck The Mid Back The Lower Back Hips Base of the Spine
Vertebrae In the neck there are seven cervical vertebrae Supporting the chest there are 12 thoracic vertebrae Next are five lumbar vertebrae Below them is the sacrum (which consists of 5 sacral vertebrae)
Top view 23 narrow spongy shock absorbers which fit between the 24 separate bones of you spine.Without the discs these bones would grate and crunch every time you moved
POSTURE The neck has a slight natural curve, which sits on top of the two curves in the middle and lower back. Correct posture maintains all three curves and prevents undue stress and strain by distributing body weight evenly
Correct Posture STANDING POSTURE In correct, fully erect posture, a line dropped from the ear will go through the tip of the shoulder, the middle of the hip, the back of the kneecap and the front of the anklebone.
Backache NECK A slipped or prolapsed disc in the cervical spine could result in a severe pain in your shoulder, arm or hand. Small movements may make the pain worse. accompanied by numbness or tingling in the fingers
Backache SUDDEN ONSET PAIN: If your pain started after a trivial movement - such as tying up your shoe laces or turning over in bed - it may be a result of a slipped disc or a joint problem in your spine. Pain going down one or both legs, or numbness or tingling in one or both legs, then you may be suffering from sciatica
Backache CONSTANT PAIN: Radiates round the chest - a fracture caused by osteoporosis of thin bones. Accompanied by discomfort when passing urine and/or blood in your urine - kidney infection/Stone. In the middle of the back that is made worse by eating and accompanied by indigestion - stomach ulcer.
Backache CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT: Good posture Bed rest on supportive bed Exercises Stress therapy Ice followed by Heat Deep rhythmic breathing Stretching as much as body will allow Massage
Proper Movement
SITTING POSTURE When sitting in any position, the three back curves need to be maintained. If you cannot sit without slouching forward or backward, you need to support yourself with hands and arms or lean against a wall or chair back.
LYING POSTURE: Avoid propping head or upper body up on an arm and hand. Head should remain relaxed. Legs should be together.
Lying in bed
Backache EXERCISES: Works well for me! Cat Back Fetal Position Arm exercises
These have worked well for me Alternate Leg Slides Alternate Leg Raises
Backache DEGENERATIVE DISC DISEASE As discs degenerate, they lose their water content and height, bringing vertebrae closer together. The nerve openings are consequently narrowed and the added pressure from the disk can pinch a nerve causing back or leg pain.
Ease backache by: Stress Relief Yoga Meditation Stretching Deep Breathing Exercise Warm Bath Massage Alternate Heat & Ice Back brace Prescription Pain creams, gels or patches Over the counter creams and gels also help
Thanks for reading I sincerely hope you will find some helpful relief from any back pain you may be experiencing. For those trying to prevent back pain from occurring; preventative measures can include: Keeping weight down Exercise regularly Proper posture