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LegalA&PRespTraumaShock SINGLE Quizitor Double Quititor Final Quizitor
What is standard of conduct? Topic I100Question
Based on individual and community conduct, standards imposed by force of law, and professional or institutional standards Topic I100Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is gross negligence? Topic I200Question
There was a duty to act, you acted above your standard of care, and the patient suffered further injury. Topic I200Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is abandonment? Topic I300Question
Leaving a patient before turning him or her over to someone of the same of higher level of care, Topic I300Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is implied consent? Topic I400Question
Allows you to treat an unconscious patient. Topic I400Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is the Good Samaritan Law? Topic I500Question
Protects the emergency care provider from civil law suits Topic I500Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is distal? Topic II100Question
The point farthest away from the body or attaching point. Topic II100Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is posterior? Topic II200Question
The back surface of the body. Topic II200Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is inferior? Topic II300Question
The topographical term meaning towards the feet. Topic II300Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is adduction? Topic II400Question
Movement towards the midline. Topic II400Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What are the parts of the thorax (thoracic cavity)? Topic II500Question
The clavicles, scapula, and sternum. Topic II500Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What are the alveoli? Topic III100Question
The air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange with the bloodstream takes place. Topic III100Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is the trachea? Topic III200Question
Also called the windpipe, it carries air to and from the lungs. Topic III200Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is inspiration? Topic III300Question
The phase of breathing when the intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract. Topic III300Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is expiration? Topic III400Question
The passive phase of breathing. Topic III400Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is snoring? Topic III500Question
The sound usually caused by the tongue obstructing the pharynx. Topic III500Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is arterial bleeding? Topic IV100Question
Bright red, spurting blood. Topic IV100Answer Go To Single Quizitor
How do you treat an evisceration? Topic IV200Question
Do not replace organ (s), apply an occlusive dressing and bulky trauma dressings. Topic IV200Answer Go To Single Quizitor
When do your use a tourniquet? Topic IV300Question
Only to be used as a last resort considered as life or limb option. Topic IV300Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is a hare traction splint? Topic IV400Question
Used to treat a suspected femur fracture. Topic IV400Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is the purpose of splinting? Topic IV500Question
To immobilize the joint above and below. Topic IV500Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What are the signs and symptoms of shock? Topic V100Question
Cold, clammy skin, diaphoresis, altered mental status, nausea and vomiting. Topic V100Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is blood pressure? Topic V200Question
The last vital sign to change in response to shock. Topic V200Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is anaphylactic shock? Topic V300Question
Shock caused by an allergic reaction. Topic V300Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is hemorrhagic shock? Topic V400Question
The type of shock caused by loss of blood volume. Topic V400Answer Go To Single Quizitor
What is the pneumatic anti-shock garment? Topic V500Question
Used when the blood pressure is less than 90 mm mercury and the patient has signs and symptoms of shock. Topic V500Answer Go To Single Quizitor
A&P Patient Assessment CPR/ Obstructed Airway Oxygen and Airway Adjuncts Scene Size Up DOUBLE QUIZITOR Final Quizitor
What is the left, upper quadrant? Topic VI200Question
Where the spleen is located. Topic VI200Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is the circulatory system? Topic VI400Question
Consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. Topic VI400Answer Go To Double Quizitor
The right side of the heart receives blood from? Topic VI600Question
The superior and inferior venae cavae. Topic VI600Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What are the muscles that are under voluntary control? Topic VI800Question
The only muscles that are under voluntary control are the skeletal muscles. Topic VI800Answer Go To Double Quizitor
The spinal column is made up of how many vertebrae? Topic VI1000Question
The spinal column is made up of 33 vertebrae. The divisions are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccygeal. Topic VI1000Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is cyanosis? Topic VII200Question
The bluish, gray skin coloring resulting from asphyxia. Topic VII200Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What are vital signs? Topic VII400Question
Pulse, blood pressure, respirations, and relative skin temperature. Topic VII400Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is a symptom? Topic VII600Question
What the patient tells you he or she is feeling. Topic VII600Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is the average pulse rate for an adult? Topic VII800Question
60 to 80 times per minute. Topic VII800Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is the average respiratory rate for an adult? Topic VII1000Question
12 t0 20 times per minute. Topic VII1000Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is an early sign of tissue hypoxia? Topic VIII200Question
A change in mental status is the earliest sign that a patient is becoming hypoxic. Topic VIII200Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What does retractions, neck muscle use, and exaggerated abdominal muscle movement all indicate? Topic VIII400Question
Severe ventilation problems Topic VIII400Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What cardiac rate changes can occur while you are suctioning an adult patient? Topic VIII600Question
In an adult patient, a variety of cardiac rhythms may result from performing oropharyngeal suctioning. These include fast rhythms (tachycardias from oxygen deprivation), slow rhythms (bradycardias from stimulating the back of the throat), and irregular rhythms from either cause. Topic VIII600Answer Go To Double Quizitor
Your patient presents with neck pain following a fall from a 25- foot ladder onto hard concrete. What airway maneuver is recommended to open your patient’s airway? Topic VIII800Question
Use the jaw-thrust maneuver to open the airway anytime you suspect your patient may have a cervical-spine injury. Topic VIII800Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is determine responsiveness? Topic VIII1000Question
The first action that an EMT would take when coming upon an unconscious person. Topic VIII1000Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is hyperextended? Topic IX200Question
The proper head position when using an oropharyngeal airway. Topic IX200Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is the non-rebreather? Topic IX400Question
The mask that delivers close to 100% oxygen. Topic IX400Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is a nasopharyngeal airway? Topic IX600Question
May be used when an oropharyngeal airway causes a gag reflex. Topic IX600Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What is a nasual canula? Topic IX800Question
The oxygen delivery device of choice for a priority 3 COPD patient on home oxygen. Topic IX800Answer Go To Double Quizitor
If your patient’s heart rate changes during suctioning, what should you do? Topic IX1000Question
If your patient’s heart rate changes during the suctioning, stop immediately and perform positive pressure ventilation with a bag-valve-mask and 100% oxygen for at least 30 seconds Topic IX1000Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What does BSI stand for? Topic X200Question
Body Substance Isolation Topic X200Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What do you establish around a vehicle accident? Topic X400Question
A danger zone Topic X400Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What should you consider when identifying a danger zone at a motor-vehicle crash? Topic X600Question
Downed lines, vehicles on fire, hazardous materials, and fuel spills all constitute the danger zone where you must take special precautions. Topic X600Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What factors will determine the severity of a fall injury? Topic X800Question
The height of the fall, the surface the patient fell onto, and the body part that hits first are all important factors in determining the severity of a fall injury Topic X800Answer Go To Double Quizitor
What should you do if you suspect that a scene involves violence, and weapons are visible? Topic X1000Question
Violence is a cause for concern because violence can escalate and you can become the next victim. You are the most important person on the scene and your safety comes first. Topic X1000Answer Go To Double Quizitor
FINAL QUIZITOR Advance Airway Management
FINAL QUIZITOR Laryngoscopes are designed to be used with your left hand because?
FINAL QUIZITOR The light is on the right side of the blade?
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