1 Welcome to Early Childhood Development Department Las Positas College Livermore
2 Meet the LPC Jeanne Virgilio, PDC Ana DelAguila ELL PDC
3 What Does a Professional Development Coordinator Do? Enroll eligible students in ECD Learning Communities (cohorts) Help students learn more about the Early Childhood Profession Support English Language Learners to be successful in their Early Childhood Development career and in college Assist in preparing a Professional Development Plan (ECD Plan) working towards completing Certificates and AA in Early childhood Development Assist in completing an application for a Child Development Permit
4 Submit Child Development Permit Application through the VOC process (shortens time to about 8 weeks) Align student education plans with transfer patterns Provide information about the Child Development Training Consortium Provide students with information about the Mentor Teacher or Director Mentor Program
5 Assist eligible students with a foreign transcript evaluation Loan ECD Books Connect Las Positas to other “systems” in Alameda County and California Influence systematic changes throughout all ECC systems such as aligning licensing, permits and certificates
Child Development Center and Lab Click here to go directly to our child development center and lab Click here to go directly to our child development center and lab Click here to go directly to our child development center and lab 6
What is CAP? The California Community Colleges Curriculum Alignment Project is a lower-division program of study supporting early care and education teacher preparation. The Lower Division 8 represent evidence-based courses that are intended to become a foundational core for all early care and education professionals. The Lower Division 8 represent evidence-based courses that are intended to become a foundational core for all early care and education professionals. Students completing the Core 8 courses are better prepared to help care for and educate California’s youngest children. Click here for more information about CAP CAP 7
Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP) 8 Las Positas College CAP 8 ECD 50 – Early Childhood Principles and Practices ECD 54 – Child Health, Safety & Nutrition ECD 56 – Child Growth and Development (formerly ECD 51) ECD 62 – Child, Family & Community ECD 63 – Early Childhood Curriculum ECD 69 – Child Study: Observation and Assessment ECD 79 – Teaching in a Diverse Society ECD 90 – Practicum: Supervised Experience
Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP) CAP Expansion LPC ( aligned spring, 2014 ) ECD 67 – Infant and Toddler Caregiving ECD 67 – Infant and Toddler Caregiving ECD 60 – Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 60 – Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 91 – Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 91 – Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 65 – Administration I: Programs in ECE ECD 65 – Administration I: Programs in ECE ECD 68 – Administration II: Leadership and Supervision in ECE ECD 68 – Administration II: Leadership and Supervision in ECE ECD 83 – Adult Mentoring and Supervision ECD 83 – Adult Mentoring and Supervision 9
10 And More... Introduce students to services on campus such as: Assessment Assessment ESL ESL Counseling Counseling Financial Aid/Scholarships Financial Aid/Scholarships DSPS DSPS EOPS EOPS Tutoring Tutoring ILC Health Center including mental health counseling CALWORKS Career/Transfer Center
11 $$ Financial Resources Las Positas
12 Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) Projects Pays for the CD Permit application – first 3 levels – funding is limited Pays the majority of Live Scan (for CD Permit) Students who are working in licensed programs are eligible for the CDTC Stipend Assistance each semester (does not matter what other types of $$ they receive): Applications are issued each semester in class
13 Financial Aid Financial Aid Financial Aid CAL WORKs CAL WORKs CAL WORKs Fee Waiver (BOG-W) Fee Waiver Program Fee Waiver Program Fee Waiver Program Fee Waiver Program More $$ Las Positas College
14 Other LPC Resources Integrated Learning Center (ILC) Integrated Learning Center Integrated Learning Center LCP Counselors LCP Counselors LCP Counselors Health Center Health Center Health Center Physical Health Physical Health Physical Health Library Website Library Website Library Website
15 AND the Best for Last Enroll students in the Child Development Learning Community (cohorts) programs
16 Learning Communities funded by:
17 Child Development Learning Community Program Funded by Proposition 10 (Tobacco Tax) locally through: Every Child Counts First 5 Alameda County Every Child Counts First 5 Alameda County Every Child Counts First 5 Alameda County 2 semester commitment Students complete 3 units per semester while enrolled in learning community Students have access to Teachstone CLASS tool Teachstone Books, tutoring, one-on-one advising and more Stipends
2 Learning Community Options 1. Early Childhood Development + English as a second Language (ESL) (haga clic aqui) (haga clic aqui) (haga clic aqui) Ana Del Aguila AA Degree/Pathway Learning Community Jeanne Virgilio (click here) (click here)(click here) 18
19 Eligibility: Must work with children under age 5 in a licensed program or family childcare Must work with children under age 5 in a licensed program or family childcare Must work at least 15 hours per week Must work at least 15 hours per week Must have worked in the same program for 9 months Must have worked in the same program for 9 months Child Development Permit or applying Child Development Permit or applying The goal is to provide support for the early childhood professional towards earning one’s A.A. Degree or transferring in Early Childhood Development The goal is to provide support for the early childhood professional towards earning one’s A.A. Degree or transferring in Early Childhood Development
20 Las Positas ECD Certificates
21 Las Positas ECD Certificates Associate Teacher Complete 13 ECD Units in CORE courses: ECD 50 Principles and Practices ECD 56 Child Growth and Development (effective Fall, 2011 (Formerly ECD 51) ECD 62 Child, Family & Community ECD 63 Early Childhood Curriculum
22 ECD Certificates (Con’t) Basic Teacher Certificate – 25 Units ECD 4 Core Courses and 4 Core Courses and ECD 40, 54, 69 or 79 (select just 1 course) ECD 40, 54, 69 or 79 (select just 1 course) ECD 60 Intro. to Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 60 Intro. to Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 95/96 Work Experience (2 units) ECD 95/96 Work Experience (2 units) ECD 90 Practicum-Supervised Experience ECD 90 Practicum-Supervised Experience
23 Early Childhood Intervention Assistant Certificate 4 CORE classes + ECD 40 Social and Emotional foundations ECD 40 Social and Emotional foundations ECD 54 Child Health, Safety and Nutrition ECD 54 Child Health, Safety and Nutrition ECD 60 Introduction to Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 60 Introduction to Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 67 Infant and Toddler Development ECD 67 Infant and Toddler Development ECD 90 Practicum-Supervised Experience ECD 90 Practicum-Supervised Experience ECD 91 Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 91 Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Exceptional Needs TOTAL = 32 UnitsTOTAL = 32 Units
24 AA DEGRESS And AS-T Degree 3 Possibilities
25 AA Degree in Early Childhood 4 CORE classes + ECD 54 Child Health, Safety & Nutrition ECD 54 Child Health, Safety & Nutrition ECD 69 Child Study: Observation and Assessment ECD 69 Child Study: Observation and Assessment ECD 60 Intro. to Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 60 Intro. to Teaching Children with Exceptional Needs ECD 79 Teaching in a Diverse Society ECD 79 Teaching in a Diverse Society ECD 95/96 Work Experience (2 units) ECD 95/96 Work Experience (2 units) ECD 90 Practicum - Supervised Experience ECD 90 Practicum - Supervised Experience LPC General Education requirements + 4 additional electives (can be ECD or GE units): TOTAL = 60 units LPC General Education requirements + 4 additional electives (can be ECD or GE units): TOTAL = 60 units
AS-T in Early Childhood Education 4 CORE classes + ECD 54 Child Health, Safety & Nutrition ECD 54 Child Health, Safety & Nutrition ECD 69 Child Study: Observation and Assessment ECD 69 Child Study: Observation and Assessment ECD 79 Teaching in a Diverse Society ECD 79 Teaching in a Diverse Society ECD 90 Practicum - Supervised Experience ECD 90 Practicum - Supervised Experience LPC General Education requirements LPC General Education requirements TOTAL = 60 units be sure to see an academic counselor This path is specifically for those desiring to transfer to a California State University and major in Child Development or a related discipline. (see counselors for more information) 26
27 AA Degree in Early Childhood Intervention Working as a one-on-one aide with children with exceptional needs Early Intervention Assistant Certificate + ECD 69 ECD 69 ECD 79 + ECD 79 + Las Positas General Education Requirements for a Total of 60 units Las Positas General Education Requirements for a Total of 60 units
28 Tools of the Trade
29 A Visual Guide
30 Child Development Permit Matrix?
31 What a Permit Looks Like Name: xxx Document Title Child Development Program Director Permit Document Number 0xxxxxxx Authorization Code(s) 12F This permit authorizes the holder to supervise a child care and development program operating at a single or multiple sites, provide service in the care, development, and instruction of children in a child care and development program, and serve as a coordinator of curriculum and staff development in a child care and development program. Renewal Code(s) 12 To renew this permit for an additional five-year period, the holder must complete a minimum of 105 clock hours of planned and approved professional growth activities as described in The California Professional Growth Manual for Child Development Permits"." Issuance Date 06/10/2008 Expiration Date 07/01/2013 Date of Original Issuance 06/10/2003 County of Employment ALAMEDA Name: xxx Document Title Child Development Program Director Permit Document Number 0xxxxxxx Authorization Code(s) 12F This permit authorizes the holder to supervise a child care and development program operating at a single or multiple sites, provide service in the care, development, and instruction of children in a child care and development program, and serve as a coordinator of curriculum and staff development in a child care and development program. Renewal Code(s) 12 To renew this permit for an additional five-year period, the holder must complete a minimum of 105 clock hours of planned and approved professional growth activities as described in The California Professional Growth Manual for Child Development Permits"." Issuance Date 06/10/2008 Expiration Date 07/01/2013 Date of Original Issuance 06/10/2003 County of Employment ALAMEDA Document Title Document Number Authorization Code(s) Renewal Code(s) Issuance Date Expiration Date of Original Issuance County of Employment Document Title Document Number Authorization Code(s) Renewal Code(s) Issuance Date Expiration Date of Original Issuance County of Employment
33 Vision Strive towards excellence in the certification and assignment monitoring processes and aspire to provide valued guidance and assistance to our stakeholders for the children of the State of California. Mission The Mission of the Certification, Assignment and Waivers Division is to promote educational excellence and assure that the children of the State of California have fully qualified individuals to provide them with instruction and guidance. California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)
34 Why a Child Development Permit? Sets a higher education standard thereby improving the quality of education for young children Professional knowledge and application Fosters professionalism in the field of Early Childhood Education Personal satisfaction in meeting one’s predetermined goals
35 Professional Development Coordinators “Learning students” are most likely to be found in the presence of “learning teachers” PG Manual, pg 2
36 Las Positas ECD Faculty and Staff
37 Las Positas ECD Department Faculty & Staff Zina Rosen-Simon Faculty Office 2326 Nadiyah Taylor Nadiyah Taylor Faculty & Department Coordinator Office 2324 Jeanne Virgilio ECD Professional Development Coordinator Ana DelAguila ECD ELL Professional Development Coordinator Part time faculty contact information: Laura Reno Kathy Caparusso Traci Peterson Linda Guthrie Jeanne Virgilio Ana DelAguila Margie Costello-Chevis Karen Nattrass Corinna Calica Corinna Calica Director Child Development Center
38 More Information is Available: Las Positas ECD Professional Development Coordinators Jeanne Virgilio Office: 2327 Ana DelAguila (se habla español (Las Positas) (Chabot) Office Las Positas Updated : March, 2014