Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design Where does it fit in public schools?
Creationism Each species created by a deity Religious belief held by Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Evolution Charles Darwin’s theory that all life descended from a common ancestor Diversity of life is explained by natural selection
Intelligent Design Explains existence and diversity of life as “the result of a purposeful scheme of some higher power”
The Establishment Clause Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
The Beginning of the Controversy “Scopes Monkey Trial” Tennessee law prohibiting teaching of evolution declared unconstitutional Epperson vs. Arkansas Similar Arkansas law declared unconstitutional
More Supreme Court Rulings Edwards vs. Aguillard Louisiana law requiring teachers to teach both or neither declared unconstitutional Kitzmiller vs. Dover School board’s requirement for teachers to read a statement about intelligent design before teaching evolution declared unconstitutional
Lingering Questions Is it right to teach a theory that contradicts religious beliefs? Does it violate the establishment clause to: discuss why you believe in intelligent design? tell students why creationism is absurd? drop evolution from the required curriculum? Can a teacher be fired for teaching creationism or intelligent design or for not teaching evolution?