Name:Date:Blk: HOMEWORK QUIZ Were books expensive or cheap during the MIDDLE AGES? Expensive Why? Because only so many were printed – the less books in.


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Presentation transcript:

Name:Date:Blk: HOMEWORK QUIZ Were books expensive or cheap during the MIDDLE AGES? Expensive Why? Because only so many were printed – the less books in print, the more expensive they become. The printing press made more copies available thereby making prices more reasonable. What were Copernicus’ two theories and was he right or wrong? The world was not at the center of the universe/the earth spun in two directions: on its axis and around the sun (He was right) The sun is one of many stars in the galaxy. (He was right) What did Galileo invent? – Telescope

Renaissance Italy: Art, Sculpture, and Architecture In the top right hand corner of the handout, mark how many pieces of art, sculptures, and/or pieces of architecture you recognize

How many pieces did you recognize? Did you notice anything about the art that you just saw? Were there any common themes? Objects? People? Colour schemes?

Humanism, Art and Literature Renaissance Artists were Humanists which means they were more concerned with the goals of human beings than with spiritual matters They believed in using the power of reason to find truth instead of scared teachings Francesco Petrarch – one the first humanists; he spent a lot of time and money collecting and correcting ancient manuscripts – Recommended that artists and writers study the ancient masterpieces to move art in a new direction – one that emphasized beauty

Humanism, Art and Literature Nicolo Machiavelli, born in 1469 is best known for his book, The Prince Machiavelli disagreed with the Humanist view that people were capable of improving themselves through their own efforts People = wretched creatures who had to be forced to what is right Some people accepted his ideas, others did not

Innovations Two remarkable innovations: proportion and perspective Proportion: a correct relation among parts Perspective: giving the appearance of distance on a flat surface

Leonardo Da Vinci Never had classical education One of the first to learn about the truth of the natural world through direct observation and experiment Never finished anything! Wrote everything down backwards so it could only be read by looking in a mirror Most famous painting: the Mona Lisa

Michelangelo Sculptor first, painter second Apprentice at age 13 Wealthy and Famous! The David was carved out a piece of marble that was thrown away! Only painted the Sistine Chapel at the insistence of Pope Julius II Most famous works: David, Pieta, and The Sistine Chapel

Northern Art Northern European artists liked the idea of Humanism but still retained a great fondness for the Gothic art of the Middle Ages. Northern Art was a lot darker, had serious tones, and focused on religious topics. Italians: perspective and proportion Northern painters: light and shadow