Section 1:Germany Section 2:The Alpine Countries Section 3:Poland and the Baltics Section 4:The Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary CHAPTER 15 Central.


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Presentation transcript:

Section 1:Germany Section 2:The Alpine Countries Section 3:Poland and the Baltics Section 4:The Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary CHAPTER 15 Central Europe

SECTION 1 Germany Question: What historic events have led to Germany’s unification?

SECTION 1 Germany Germany’s Road to Unification Germany reunites after the fall of communism. Germanic tribes fight against the Roman Empire. Holy Roman Empire and Hanseatic League control German lands. Charlemagne begins German Unification. Prussia unites northern and southern Germany. Germany is divided after World War II.

SECTION 2 The Alpine Countries Question: How do the histories, cultures, governments, and economies of Austria and Switzerland compare?

SECTION 2 The Alpine Countries formerly an empire ruled by Habsburgs, who controlled much of Europe independent since 1600s located in Alps, mountainous terrain AustriaSwitzerland occupied by Germany during World War II, by Allies after war democratic republic German language and cultural influence member of the EU Roman Catholicism common diverse economies, foreign operations, manufacturing, tourism confederation of 26 cantons politically neutral has not joined EU or NATO French, Italian, Romansh languages common Protestantism common

SECTION 3 Poland and the Baltics Question: What important events have occurred in the history of Poland and the Baltics?

SECTION 3 Poland and the Baltics 1700s to 1800s Poland occupied by Russia, Prussia, and Austria; Baltics occupied by Russia. 1910s Poland and Baltics become independent after World War I. 1940s The Soviet Union occupies Poland. 1980s Poland breaks away from communism Baltic countries become independent

SECTION 4 The Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary Question: How has Hungary’s government and economy changed since the fall of communism?

SECTION 4 The Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary Hungary since the Fall of Communism Most businesses are now privately owned. New industries, foreign investment, and tourists have been attracted to country. Improvements have been made in rural water and sewage services.

1. How did World Wars I and II shape the history of Germany? 2. What problems has eastern Germany faced since reunification? 3. Why have many American and Western European companies chosen Austria as a base for their European operations? 4. Why is loess important to Poland’s economy? 5. How does Hungary’s language differ from the languages of neighboring countries? 1. How did World Wars I and II shape the history of Germany? 2. What problems has eastern Germany faced since reunification? 3. Why have many American and Western European companies chosen Austria as a base for their European operations? 4. Why is loess important to Poland’s economy? 5. How does Hungary’s language differ from the languages of neighboring countries? CHAPTER 15 Chapter Wrap-Up