SGTM 6: Personal Security Awareness
Security management overview Common sense principles Strategies to enhance security Field travel advice
Organized for security UN agencies — pooled arrangements Peacekeeping missions — own security Military observer missions — host Government, local authorities, regional peacekeeping force (if present)
UN security management Field Security Handbook: cornerstone of policy Highest security authority: Secretary-General Department of Safety and Security, headed by Under-Secretary-General Each station has Designated Official for Security
Designated official for security Ensures security of all UN personnel in country Organizes advisory security management team Prepares country-wide security plan Ensures security of locally recruited staff members
Responsible for security of all peacekeeping personnel Head of mission Responsible for security of all peacekeeping personnel If responsible for other UN personnel, also named DOS
Chief security officer Advises HOM on security Prepares mission security plan Coordinates with other agencies, local authorities Conducts assessments Manages guard force
Field security coordination officer Assists DOS Updates all UN staff and dependants on security Conducts residential security surveys Coordinates responses to crisis situations
Area security coordinator Coordinates security matters in a specific area Acts as Designated Official for that area Coordinates security matters for mission and other United Nations agencies May be a military officer, with a civilian deputy
Security plan includes Summaries of security situation International staff and dependants In-country areas and zones Emergency communications Coordination centres or concentration points Safe havens, means of evacuation Essential reserves and/or supplies
You are responsible for your own security! Use common sense — You are responsible for your own security!
Common threats against peacekeepers Kidnapping/hostage-taking Violent robberies or attacks Natural disasters Vehicular accidents “Wrong place, wrong time”
Try to blend into setting Plan for the worst Use common sense Basic principles Always be on the alert Be methodical Try to blend into setting Plan for the worst Use common sense
Brief staff, dependants on security procedures Basic strategies Brief staff, dependants on security procedures Rehearse fire safety drills Know how to use local phones Carry coins or a local phone card Remember emergency telephone numbers Carry a radio, if issued
Stay away from isolated areas Don’t follow same daily routine More basic strategies Stay away from isolated areas Don’t follow same daily routine Don’t work late hours in office Don’t write name, address on keys
When travelling, always tell family or associates: Where you are going When you are leaving When you are returning And call them when you arrive!
When walking or jogging: Be aware & alert Carry only what you need Keep valuables in front pockets or under clothing Walk in the open — away from hiding places Do not use earphones with a radio or Walkman® Use the “buddy system”
Approach a vehicle to answer questions Don’t: Approach a vehicle to answer questions Hitch-hike or accept rides from strangers Walk alone at night Talk to strangers at night Take shortcuts through isolated areas
Get to safety — to the police, fire department, UN office, public area When being followed: Get to safety — to the police, fire department, UN office, public area Tell someone you need help!
Stay where security is good Ask for a room near the elevator Hotel accommodation Stay where security is good Ask for a room near the elevator Keep door locked & close curtains Get & use a rubber doorstop Locate emergency escape routes
Get written authorization Update yourself on security situation Pre-departure prep Get written authorization Update yourself on security situation Tell office your travel plans Prepare your personal checklist Calculate distances, sectors Check communications equipment
Never travel alone — use the buddy system Go in convoy, if possible More prep Never travel alone — use the buddy system Go in convoy, if possible Check your vehicle; don’t assume driver did Know local emergency action procedures Make periodic contact with office Take a guide or escort if in doubt Take no hitch-hikers!
Threats on the road Accidents Breakdowns Checkpoints Hijacking
In an accident or breakdown: Stay calm, don’t panic Avoid further damage by getting off road Apply first aid, if required Call for help Obtain police assistance, file a report Wait for UN help, move to safe location
Reduce speed, lower headlights, turn on interior light At checkpoints: Reduce speed, lower headlights, turn on interior light Stop if directed Window down no more than 1 inch Be friendly, courteous Show your ID if asked — do not surrender it Stay in vehicle unless ordered out Observe any search of vehicle Protest removal of personal items
Survive — escape, if possible Report incident as soon as possible If taken hostage: Survive — escape, if possible Report incident as soon as possible Remember “Hostage Incident” card
United Nations security structure Common sense principles Review United Nations security structure Common sense principles How to enhance personal security Strategies for field travel