Psychological Testing All those library resources that will help you find what you need
Tools for Finding Test Information Reference Books Library Databases Library Catalog Internet Sites
Reference Books Mental Measurement Yearbook (MMY) Ref. BF176.B87x Tests in Print (V, VI, VII) Ref. BF176.T47 Tests Ref. BF176.T Test Critiques Ref. BF176.T (v. 1-10)
MMY Tests listed alphabetically Includes intended population, acronyms, publisher, publication dates, forms and prices, timing, administration, and test author Lists reliability, validity, norming data, scoring and reporting services Most entries include reviews of the test and testing materials Available online and in print.
USE MMY: To determine if a particular test exists To determine the structure of a test To determine if a test has been published and is available To find summaries and excerpts of reviews of a test
MMY is cumulative Use Tests in Print as an index to previously published MMYs Tests in Print Tests in Print
Tests in Print Tests listed alphabetically Bibliographic encyclopedia of information on every published and commercially available test in psychology and achievement
Tests in Print (cont.) Entry includes purpose, population, publication date, acronym, author, publisher, scores, timing, foreign adaptations and references DOES NOT INCLUDE critical reviews or psychometric information Available online and in print
USE Tests in Print To determine availability of a test and then use MMY for critical reviews Sample from Miami University Libraries in Oxford, Ohio – Educational and School Psychology
Tests Bibliographic encyclopedia containing information on testing instruments in psychology, education, and business Includes purpose, description of test, author, intended population, major features, administration time, scoring method, cost and availability, and primary publisher DOES NOT INCLUDE critiques or psychometric information Available only in print.
USE Tests To find description of test and then use Test Critiques for critical reviews
Test Critiques Tests listed alphabetically Includes psychometric information such as reliability, validity, and norm development Entry for test includes introduction, practical applications and uses, technical aspects and critiques Technical terms explained Use the Index of Test Titles located in the back of the latest volume to find which volume contains your test Available only in print.
Library Databases (found on library website under Articles/Databases) PsycINFO/PsycArticles HaPI (Health and Psychosocial Instruments) (4 simultaneous users) ERIC SocIndex Medline MMY (4 simultaneous users) Tests in Print (4 simultaneous users)
PsycINFO Available through EbscoHostEbscoHost Can find studies concerning the validity or reliability of a given test Find reviews of tests in journals Find articles that have a survey or test appended to the article Some full-text Make sure to limit to Peer Reviewed Journals !
HaPI Indexes measures created or modified for specific studies that appear in journals or books Contains over 15,000 instruments Reliability and validity can be used as keywords to access instruments with tested psychometric properties Only 4 simultaneous users Not full-text
ERIC Available through EbscoHost Similar to PsycINFO Indexes educational literature Some full-text Make sure to limit search to “Journal Articles”
MMY Available through EbscoHost Covers the 9 th ed. – present Can search by acronym using either the index or the drop-down menu Only 4 simultaneous users Full-text
Library Catalog Use the Subject Tab and type either psychological tests or psychological testing Use Boolean Keyword and “psychological testing” Use Boolean Keyword and “testing” and the particular psychological topic, trait, etc. (ex. Testing and personality) Use Boolean Keyword and your test name as a phrase “Wechsler Memory Scale”
Internet Resources APA –FAQ in Psychological Tests findtests.html BUROS Institute of Mental Measurements-Test Reviews Online jsp
How to cite the MMY The next two slides contain parts of a handout developed by: Keith Stanger Eastern Michigan University Library December 26, 2005 (used by permission)
Citing the print MMY Entire test description: Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales. (2001). In B. S. Plake & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The fourteenth mental measurements yearbook (pp ). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
Citing the print MMY Individual test review: Kaufman, N.L., & Kaufman, A.S. (2001). [Review of the test Brown Attention- Deficit Disorder Scales]. In B. S. Plake & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The fourteenth mental measurements yearbook (pp ). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
Citing the online MMY Entire test description: Hathaway, S., McKinley, J., & Butcher, J. (1942, ). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Retrieved from Mental Measurements Yearbook database.
Citing the online MMY Individual test review: Kaufman, N.L., & Kaufman, A.S. (2001). Review of the test Brown Attention- Deficit Disorder Scales. In The fourteenth mental measurements yearbook. Retrieved from Mental Measurements Yearbook database.
APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources Retrieval date: No date necessary for content unlikely to change or to be updated (i.e. published journal articles) Name and location of source: Use a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if available
DOI – Digital Object Indentifier Not every article will have a DOI IF a DOI is present, you don’t need to cite the database name. The DOI is unique to each article. Easiest to copy and paste a DOI in a citation than to try and type it.
Example Sellbom, M., Fischler, G., & Ben- Porath, Y. (2007). Identifying MMPI- 2 Predictors of police officer integrity and misconduct. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34(8), doi: / /
How to cite an online source within your paper The information on the following slide was retrieved from the APA website: Electronic References: Citations in Text of Electronic Material
How to cite an online source within your paper For electronic sources that do not provide page numbers, use the paragraph number, if available, preceded by the paragraph symbol or the abbreviation para. If neither paragraph nor page numbers are visible, cite the heading and the number of the paragraph following it to direct the reader to the location of the material (see section 3.39). (Myers, 2000, ¶ 5) (Beutler, 2000, Conclusion section, para. 1)
Other helpful websites on citing sources cite6.htmlhttp:// cite6.html “Using Principles of APA Style to Cite and Document Sources” yle_apa.htm “APA Reference Style Guide” developed and maintained by Mike Strahan.
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