US Government Birth of the Constitution Bernard Taylor 1
The thirteen colonies were: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. The Stamp Act The Boston Tea Party English Colonies 2
Adopted by the 2 nd Continental Congress on July 4, Written by Thomas Jefferson at the suggestion of John Adams. Formally cut ties with British Empire. Copy of the Declaration of IndependenceDeclaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence 3
Patriots vs. Loyalists General George Washington was in charge of the army. Final battle was in Yorktown, VA. The American Revolution 4
Treaty of Paris Colonies were given all land east of the Mississippi River Indian reaction The Articles of Confederation Forging A New Nation 5
Formed the new government of the United States of America. Created a weak Federal Government and gave power to the individual States. In 1789 The Articles of Confederation were replaced The Articles of Confederation 6
Created by the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia, PA. The Bill of Rights Ratified by the states in Supreme Law of the land. Copy of the Constitution Constitution The Constitution 7 StateYear Ratified Delaware1787 Pennsylvania1787 New Jersey1787 Georgia1788 Connecticut1788 Massachusetts1788 Maryland1788 South Carolina1788 New Hampshire 1788 Virginia1788 New York1788 North Carolina1789 Rhode Island1790
Series of Articles written to promote the ratification of the Constitution. Written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. Authors used pseudonyms to avoid exerting influence by the use of their names. The Federalist Papers 8
The Constitution was formed with the ability to add amendments. The Supreme Court still redefines the document with its decisions. There has been 17 amendments to the Constitution since it was ratified. Living Document 9