Montgomery College PROJECT ACCESS Introduction / Background
A chieving C ollege C ompletion E mployment S tudent S uccess
Web-based student advising system
Campus Star Web Site H Calendar of events and important dates H Link to student services across the campus H function to contact faculty, staff and other students H Direct link to college web-site H Access personal academic information H Personalized messages addressing student’s particular needs and interests H Individualized Learning Plan
Individual Learning Plan H A roadmap for the student laying out an academic plan H A tool students can use to make decisions regarding their academic and career goals H A student friendly report assessing academic progress
Benefits of ILP H Students can independently monitor their own academic progress H Students will be able to view their roadmap and see that their goals are within reach H Students will gain a sense of ownership and control over their academic progress
Conclusion H The web-site will keep students connected to the campus H The Individual Learning Plan will help keep a student focused and motivated
Montgomery College PROJECT ACCESS Technical Information
Objectives of Project n Provide a diversity of new services to students of Montgomery College through the website of Campus Star. n Offer new communication channels between students and administrators, and/or faculty members n Enhance the capacity of adopting the state- of-the art technology in the campus environment.
Implementation Plan n The implementation plan consists of seven phases. n In addition to substantial support from personnel of several divisions, every phase except phase I, requires programming by Montgomery College IT Staff.
Phases of Plan n Phase I: Establish Architecture n Phase II: Creation of Application n Phase III: Complete Function Tree
Phases of Plan (cont.) n Phase IV: Create Databases n Phase V: Import & Formalize Data n Phase VI: Debugging n Phase VII: Refinement from Feedback
Technical Chart
Application Programs n Colleague - Generate text file n Visual Basic / C++ - Format text file n Tango All forms for web pages n Dreamweaver - Indexing n Filemaker Pro - Databases n Webten - Server Application
Hardware Database ServerWeb Server (2) Power Mac G4 Servers
Funding n Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board n Carl D. Perkins Grant n Montgomery College
Project Access Team n Dr. Earl Campa (Dean of Student Development & Services) n Mr. George Crossland (Dean of Planning and Technology) n Mr. Steve Scheffler (Director of College Relations) n Mr. Butch Juelg (Senior Systems Analyst) n Mr. Matthew Heck (Programmer - Database) n Ms. Julie Ning (Programmer - Web) n Ms. Kara Zimmerman (Student Advisor) n Ms. Veronica Hernandez-Mena (Data Entry Specialist) n Ms. Judy Ronnander (Student Advisor)
URL & Login Info n Login: jstudent Password: jstudent