By Patricia Galien
With PowerPoint you can have items on a slide enter and exit. This is really useful for teaching certain grammar points. Click to the next slide for an example.
Noun Modifiers A noun is sometimes used to describe another noun. For example: shopcoffeebookdonut Noun Modifier Noun Modifier A noun modifier is never plural. Noun The second noun is more general than the first. arose s garden
To make this kind of slide, first insert your text boxes and images onto the slide. donut book coffeeshop
Add the entrances and the exits. donut book coffeeshop Go to custom animation. On the right, you will see the Custom Animation Box.
donut book coffeeshop Select the first text or image you want to animate. Click on Add Effect. Choose the type of effect you like.
donut book coffeeshop Do this for all of the items. If you want two items to appear at the same time, select the second item and Click Start With Previous.
donut book coffeeshop Notice the list of items in the Custom Animation box. The mouse means the effect starts on the click of the mouse. The green star means it’s an entrance.
donut book coffeeshop You can easily change, remove, or reorder animations.
donut book coffeeshop For this lesson, we need to add some exits. When book enters, coffee must exit and when donut enters, book must exit. (The orange star means exit.)
Finally, put the items where you want them.
Noun Modifiers A noun is sometimes used to describe another noun. For example: shopcoffeebookdonut Noun Modifier Noun Modifier A noun modifier is never plural. Noun The second noun is more general than the first. arose s garden Viola!