By Christian Chipouras CT Scans of the Head By Christian Chipouras
What is A Ct scan A CT scan is also known as a computed tomography A CT scanner uses X-rays to create a 3-dimentional image of an object. It uses many 2 dimensional X- ray images to create the 3- dimentional image. The image can be viewed in cross sections Creates a clear image with many angles of viewing
Breif History Early 1900s- Alessandro Vallebona proposed a method of projecting a single slice of a body part onto a film. In 1959 William Olendorf thought of scanning a head through a beam of X-rays. In 1961 Olendorf built a machine that successfully used x- rays to create a 3D image. The first patient was tested in 1971 and the scanner took 160 readings around 180 degrees. In 1974 CT scanners were installed in hospitals. Over the next 25 years faster, newer, and more efficient scanners were manufactured.
CT scanning of the head today Today CT scans are used to detect aneurysms, blood clots, skull injuries, strokes, brain tumors, and diseases. An iodine dye is given for the patient to take before undergoing the scan so that the images can be viewed more clearly. The scan creates images of cross sections of the brain and skull. The complete scan takes around 5 minutes. CT scans of the head the leading procedure in diagnosing problems in the head, as it creates very clear images of bones such as the skull and spine. Today 6000+ scanners are in use in the US
What is being solved A CT scanner allows us to view the interior of the head without an incision They give us clear information Allow the clear imaging of tumors Helps diagnose brain cancer and head problems CT scans can also be used to reconstruct the faces of unidentified victims
Limitations Not as visible as MRI Scans Costly Some patients may not be able to fit in the Scanner Weight limit (around 450lbs) Not recommended for repeated use 2 scans a year Cannot be performed on a pregnant woman Images of soft tissue are not as vivid as a MRI image
Future Direction Cheaper scanning and scanners Less radiation used per scan Smaller scanners Better resolution The use of non-toxic dyes Faster scanning
Bibliography "X-ray Computed Tomography." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Nov. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. ray_computed_tomography. Radiology Society of North America. "Computed Tomography (CT) - Head." Computed Tomography (CT)- Head. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>. "Cranial CT Scan: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>. "What Is CT Scanning of the Head?" CT Head Scan, Brain CT Scan, Clinic. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>. Computed Tomography Its History and Technology. Siemens Medical. Seimens Medical. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>. Advantagesof CT In3DScanning of Industrial Parts. 3d Scanning Technologies. 3d Scanning Technologies Magazine. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>.