Daniel Miller Joe Quesada Justine Lazo Printed Circuit Board Daniel Miller Joe Quesada Justine Lazo http://saturnpcb.com/pcb_services.htm
Overview What is a PCB? Why use a PCB? How do I make a PCB?
Printed Circuit Board Circuit connects components through board Made of alternating layers of conducting and insulating materials http://www.seilpcb.co.kr/products/images/2_1_img5.gif
Why PCB? Features Drawbacks Surprisingly Affordable Highly reliable Compact Drawbacks Requires more layout than other board types Higher initial cost than wire wrap or point-to- point construction http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Breadboard_complex.jpg
PCB Design Steps Design the circuit Place the components Route the wires Manufacture
EDA Software PCB design software package Examples: Design the circuit (Schematics editor) Place the components (PCB editor) Route the wires (Autorouter module) Examples: EAGLE ExpressPCB Electronic Design Automation
Schematic Capture Pin in/outs Components Interconnections Easily Readable High-Level Block Diagram All pictures of schematics and EAGLE screenshots from http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/108 and http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/109
Placement of Components Rat’s Nest Error wire
Placement of Components Place big components first- e.g. microcontroller Place components in separate functional groups Put a ground plane under all components
Signal Routing Component Placement Surface mount Top and bottom planes Minimal routing area Through-hole mounted All components on same side Reduces routing area on all planes http://www.ehow.com/how_8306661_solder-mini-components.html http://blog.amal.net/?p=188
Signal Routing Traces are wires connecting components Traces can be routed through multiple layers
Vias and Pads Vias are connections between layers Pads are copper areas for pin connections
Manufacturing Files Gerber Files Drill Files Industry standard file format to describe circuits Generated by PCB design software Contains all necessary info to manufacture a circuit board (Traces, Pads, Silkscreen, etc.) Drill Files Describes the location and size of holes Zipped with Gerber files and sent to manufacturer
Viewplot Check
Cost Estimate www.pcbfabexpress.com
Cost Estimate www.sunstone.com
Summary PCBs allow for portable and reliable circuits Designed in EDA Software Design the circuit Place the components Route the wires Manufacture Price varies based on size and urgency
References http://saturnpcb.com/pcb_services.htm http://www.seilpcb.co.kr/products/images/2_1_img5.gif http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Breadboard_complex.jpg http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/108 http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/109 http://www.ehow.com/how_8306661_solder-mini- components.html http://blog.amal.net/?p=188 http://www.pcbfabexpress.com/preview_specs.jsp http://www.sunstone.com/products-services/quickturn- proto-boards/pricing.aspx