Hepatitis C Action Plan: Phase II Programme Management Approach
Outline Definitions Governance Supporting Infrastructure Programme Planning Reporting Process
Definitions Governance Board Lead Organisations Programme Team
Definitions Governance Board The project steering group Used by the project ‘ owner ’ to review progress. It ensures the Phase II Action Plan is implemented in a timely, effective and efficient manner: –Monitors operational progress including performance of actions and financial spend. –Identifies and addresses potential and evolving high-level risk. –Approves modifications and additions to actions or project strands. –Approves modifications to financial allocation (purpose/amount) for actions or project strands by financial year and the life of the project. –Identifies recommendations and proposals for future action beyond the life of the project –Report its findings to Scottish Government
Definitions Lead Organisations Identified organisations responsible and accountable for the delivery of specific assigned actions for the Phase II Action Plan: –The recipient of an allocation of the total Hepatitis C Programme budget for the Hepatitis C Action Plan: Phase II to enable sufficient resource(s) for effective action delivery. –Responsible for development, implementation and closure of a consolidated project plan to deliver specific assigned actions in their board area using a project management approach. –Change and configuration management locally –Quality assurance locally –Financial management of the awarded Phase II funding allocation. –Progress reporting for assigned action(s) including financial spend (refer to xx for further details). –Employing a Project Management approach to deliver assigned actions.
Definitions Lead Organisations Notes: –Prior to Phase II initiation (during the Phase I Action Plan: ), each lead organisation was consulted and agreed to be responsible for the delivery of the specific actions assigned to them –Specific actions have been assigned to them with the timescales, budget and outcomes defined in the Hepatitis C Action Plan for Scotland: Phase II
Definitions Programme Team Health Protection Scotland (HPS), through its parent body National Services Scotland (NSS), is responsible for co-ordinating the Action Plan nationally. –Responsible for co-ordinating the Action Plan nationally using a project management approach: –Development, implementation and closure of a national ‘overarching’ project plan. –Change and configuration management nationally –Quality assurance nationally –Monitoring Action Plan progress and performance, providing consolidated reporting to the Governance Board on a regular basis and to the project owner as required to ensure Phase II delivery is in a timely, effective and efficient manner. –Establishing and maintaining national networks to support NHS Boards and other Lead Organisations in their delivery of different aspects of the Action Plan –Communicating Action Plan progress to, and getting feedback from, stakeholders nationally
Governance Groups providing governance to the project are: –Action Plan Governance Board (Project Board/Steering Group) –Project Sponsor –Programme Team –Corporate Programme Office –EMT –NSS Board
Action Plan Advisory Board Action Plan Governance Board Scottish Government Lead Organisation Representatives Chairs of Lead National Networks Scottish Government Public Health and Wellbeing Directorate (SGPHWD) Lead Organisations: Accountable/Responsible for Delivery and Reporting of Agreed Actions and Project Plans NHS Health Scotland (Action 16) NES (Action 3) ISD (Action 21) NHS QIS (Action 2) SPS (Actions 7, 17, 23) LTS (Action 18) HPS (Actions 12**, 19, 20, 22, 24, ) SG – Marketing Unit and Drugs Policy Unit (Actions 5, 6* 11, 14, 25) COSLA (Action 9) Univ of the West of Scotland (Action 22) NSS NSD (Action 6) NHS Boards (Actions 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, ) Consolidated reporting by exception against Programme Plan Lead National Networks: Supporting Delivery, Planning and Development of Best Practise NE Guidelines Development Group (13, 14) Information Generating Initiatives Network (19- 24) NGO Network ( *, , 18) National Hep C Exec Leads/ SPS Network (1, 13) ETA (incl WFDLs) (3, 4, 5, 11, 16, 18) Action Plan Project Mgt Network (25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34) National Prevention Leads Network (13, 15, 16, 17) National MCN Clinical Leads/ Coordinators Network (2, 6, 7, 12 ) Advice, input and shared learning Legend: ETA: Education, Training and Awareness-Raising HCV: Hepatitis C Virus HPS: Health Protection Scotland ISD: Information Services Division, NSS LA: Local Authority LTS: Learning and Teaching Scotland NES: NHS Education Scotland NHS Health: NHS Health Scotland NHS QIS: NHS Quality Improvement Scotland SG: Scottish Government SPS: Scottish Prison Service MCN: Managed Care Network NE: Needle Exchange NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation NSD: National Services Division NSS: National Services Scotland National WFDL: WorkForce Development Lead *Action 6: SG is interim Lead organisation for NGOs until tendering is completed in early 2009 **Action 12: Accountability is to NSS NSD (Specialist Labs) but via HPS as the Lead Organisation for this action. Development of national project plan templates and guidance Phase II Action Plan: Governance Advice Accountability Reporting by exception against Project Plan for each Lead Organisation Reporting high level risks and issues HPS Programme Team PM Function Consolidated progress reports Advice/shared learning /guidance/support Accountability Reporting documentation Key
Supporting Infrastructure ‘ Networks ’ The Phase II Action Plan requires a multi-disciplinary approach and stakeholder involvement throughout its implementation for successful delivery, manifested by the establishment of local and national networks comprising representatives from relevant disciplines and organisations. Networks established shall support national and local delivery, planning and development of best practise throughout Phase II Action Plan implementation: –Support lead organisation(s) in action delivery –Develop guidelines, standards and protocols to ensure approaches undertaken are effective, efficient and, where appropriate, consistent. –Share experience, best practice and progress on the delivery of the Action Plan –Provide support, advice and guidance throughout Phase II Action Plan delivery
Action Plan Proj Mgt Network (25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34) NGO Network ( *, , 18) ETA Network (3, 4, 5, 11, 16, 18) Information Generating Initiatives Network (19-24) HCV Clinical Database Monitoring Group (19) National Networks and Sub-Groups: Supporting National Delivery, Planning and Best Practise National guidance and project plan templates Lead Organisations: Accountable for Action Delivery and Reporting Phase II Action Plan: Networks and Groups supporting Lead Organisations Local Networks: Supporting Local Delivery, Planning and Development of Best Practice National Hep C Exec Leads/ SPS Network (1, 13) Shared learning and guidance towards development of best practise Advice, input and shared learning Legend: ETA: Education, Training and Awareness-Raising HCV: Hepatitis C Virus HPS: Health Protection Scotland ISD: Information Services Division, NSS LA: Local Authority LTS: Learning and Teaching Scotland NES: NHS Education Scotland NHS Health: NHS Health Scotland NHS QIS: NHS Quality Improvement Scotland SG: Scottish Government SPS: Scottish Prison Service MCN: Managed Care Network NE: Needle Exchange NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation NSD: National Services Division NSS: National Services Scotland National WFDL: WorkForce Development Lead *Action 6: SG is interim Lead organisation for NGOs until tendering is completed in early 2009 **Action 12: Accountability is to NSS NSD (Specialist Labs) but via HPS as the Lead Organisation for this action. ***Action 17::Applicable where relevant to individual NHS Boards Local Prevention Networks (4, 5, 15, 16, 17***) National Prevention Leads Network (13, 15, 16, 17***) LTS Advisory Group (18) Website Development Group (5) NES Advisory Group (3) Needle Exchange Guidelines Development Group (13, 14) National MCN Clinical Leads/ Coordinators Network (2, 6, 7, 12) LA Leads Network (9) National WFDL Leads Network (4) Advice/shared learning /guidance/support Key Local MCNs (4-10)
Nationals Networks National Project Plan Templates Lead Organisation Individual Project Plans for each Action Local Networks Lead Organisation Consolidated Project Plans HPS Programme Team Scottish Government Public Health and Wellbeing Directorate (SGPHWD) Action Plan Governance Board National Programme Plan National Risk Register National quality assurance definition (consolidated criteria) Sign off National Programme Plan Phase II Action Plan: Planning Process Review locally Consolidate (where relevant ie. multiple actions) Consolidate project plans from multiple Lead Organisations into an overarching National Programme Plan Collate Project Plan from each Lead Organisation Supported by Programme Team Facilitation, advice, guidance, scoping and training with local project managers and support for Network Chairs Advice/shared learning /guidance/support Planning process step Support and facilitation via Programmed Team Key
Nationals Networks National Project Plan Templates HPS Programme Team Scottish Government Public Health and Wellbeing Directorate (SGPHWD) Action Plan Governance Board National Programme Plan National Risk Register National quality assurance definition (consolidated criteria) Report: high level risks and issues Phase II Action Plan: Reporting Process Consolidate to produce overarching report against National Programme Plan Collate each Lead Organisation Report of Exceptions Board Communications Mostly electronic on a monthly basis plus teleconference with Lead Organisations as required for issues arising. Actual (face to face) meeting frequency to be determined. Monthly Monthly exceptions Local Lead Organisations NHS Boards Consolidated Report against Local Project Plan National/Regional Lead Organisations Non-NHS Boards Report Against Project Plan Local MCN Report against Project Plan (4-10) Local Prevention Network Report against Project Plan (4, 5, 15, 16, 17**) WFDL Report against Project Plan (4) Signed off by Exec Lead Collated by Local Project Manager Advice/shared learning /guidance/support Reporting communications Reporting documentation Key Monthly exceptions Signed off Annual Progress Report to Scottish Government Lead Organisations
Next Steps Establish National Networks –Dates arranged –Progress Terms of Reference with Network Chairs –Scoping workshops to draft project plan templates Establish Reporting Documentation Template –Meet with volunteer Executive Leads (or their representative) to design initial template –Distribute to Lead Organisations, Project Sponsor and Owner for comment –Finalise reporting template –Train locally appointed Project Managers (and their equivalent) for each Lead Organisation –Implement in late 2008 in preparation for the first Governance Board meeting in Jan 09 Develop Programme Communication Plan
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