Roll, Baby, Roll 4 th Grade Quevedo
Problem/Question: Does the height of the ramp affect the distance the car travels?
Hypothesis: If we increase the height of the ramp, then we think the distance traveled will increase.
Control Variable Control Variable Car Books Measuring tape The height of the ramp
Materials Balloon CarMeasuring tape (cm) BooksPost it notes
Procedure 1. Set up a ramp with one book, two books and lastly three books. 2. Set up the measuring tape on the floor. 3. Put the car on the ramp and let it roll down. 4. Measure the distance the car travels. 5. Repeat the investigation with two, and three books. 6. Record the results on the data chart.
Data Table
Conclusion Our conclusion was correct. We predicted that the car on the highest ramp will travel the farthest.
Bibliography Houston ISD Curriculum Documents