Nairobi, October 21 st, Policy 3. Market information 2. Production 4. Develop infrastructure 5. Government & some key challenges - Private sector - Very poor HH By Dr NGARAMBE R. Michel Coordinator DIDP
The GoR/MINAGRI has PSTA-II (second phase of the Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation) The Overall Objective of the PSTA II: “ Agricultural output and incomes increased rapidly under sustainable production systems for all groups of farmers, and food security ensured for all the population ”. Four Programmes at the heart of the Strategy: - P1: Intensification and development of sustainable production; - P2: Support to the professionalization of the producers; - P3: Promotion of commodity chains and agribusiness; - P4: Institutional development.
The production is increased in PPP (Public - Private - Partnership); Extension services are ensured mostly by Government service providers, NGO’s, Private agro-dealers etc... The extension service is monitored and evaluated frequently; Farmer training/organization is a task of all stakeholders in agriculture sector such as Government, Private sector, UN bodies (WFP, FAO, USAID, etc) but all coordinated by MINAGRI.
The government of Rwanda/MINAGRI, through the extension program has created a market Information system that provides information on production, market prices of agricultural products from different markets (44); It’s managed in such manner that local people can access information using sms & website. From outside the country, they can access information through the website: (
Production : Government intervention for most of activities related to storages, markets places and roads; Agro processing industries : Private Sector and NGO’s started showing interest, taking part in settling and mobilization of funds to develop the value chains for agricultural products.
Private sector The PPP still needed, due to purchase power of people to pay services from private sector. Very poor HH Some Gvt initiatives to address them: - ONE COW PER POOR FAMILY - MALNUTRITION: - School feeding program - One cup of milk per child