Campus Security Authorities CSA Training Washtenaw Community College (Revised Mar 2015)
A few of the Goals of this Presentation are: To answer your questions on: Why your name was included on this list. Your responsibilities as a Campus Security Authority (CSA). Basic information on the Clery Act. Resources and procedures you may need.
Reference Materials You can reference all the resources listed in this presentation by going to the WCC Clery website:
You were notified because… The Clery Act defines – That certain individuals on campus... with certain titles or functions as part of their duties... regardless of full or part time status... regardless of paid or volunteer status... Are considered to be a Campus Security Authority (or CSA).
Campus Security Authority Definitions & Defined Job Titles/Duties that make you a CSA Definitions that determine who is a CSA “An official who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities.” A “University Official.” “Officials with significant relationships with students.” Defined Job Titles that define who is a CSA Coaches. Athletic Directors. Faculty Advisors to a student group. Campus Safety/Police Staff. Staff involved with discipline. Evening Administrator(s). College Procedures You may also be named a CSA because of your part in certain College procedures.
Who isn’t a CSA By definition of the Clery Act, the following groups are not CSAs. Maintenance/custodial staff. Food service staff. Clerical staff. Faculty whose only role is in the classroom.
Is the Clery Act new? No, the Clery Act is not new although there have been ongoing adjustments to the language over the last few years. Clery Act is a federal law named after Jeanne Clery, a student that was raped and murdered in The Clery Act is enforced by the US Department of Education.
Clery Act Overview The Clery Act is intended to ensure that institutions report certain information for safety and consumer disclosure. CSAs are a critical part of the Clery Act and reporting. Failure for a CSA to properly report can result in institutional and individual ramifications.
Clery Act Overview Requirements Every institution must: Collect, classify and count crime reports and report crime statistics. Issue campus alerts. Issue timely warnings. Issue emergency notifications. Publish an Annual Security Report (ASR). Submit crime statistics to the U.S. Department of Education (ED). WCC maintains a campus safety office, therefore we must also keep a daily crime log that is available to the public.
Non-Compliance Consequences Failing to comply with the Clery Act can result in… - Monetary consequences for the institution -- including up to a $35,000 fine per violation. - The loss of student financial aid -- although this has yet to be imposed, it’s one of the possible consequences outlined in the Clery legislation. - Institutional reputation -- this can be seriously harmed by negative publicity, portrayal in the media, a public failure to meet obligations and the perception that we’re not a safe institution. - Admissions -- negative publicity often equals fewer applicants. - Termination of employment -- staff may lose their jobs when reporting requirements have not been met.
WCC CSA Training Goals The goals of the training are to: Ensure our best efforts to comply with the Act. Promote a safe campus atmosphere and provide accurate information about our campus. Minimize the potential of College and Personal liability by having knowledgeable CSAs.
What does a CSA do? The function of a CSA is to report allegations of Clery Act crimes.
Sounds Simple If you put it in one sentence – You have been defined or designated as a Campus Security Authority. This means that if you learn of, or hear about a Clery Act crime, you must, as soon as possible, contact WCC Campus Safety and tell them what happened, when it happened, and where it happened. Now the details -
CSA Reporting The Details CSAs are required to properly report allegations of Clery Act Crimes to Campus Safety and Security. Keep this phrase in mind – REPORTABLE CRIMES IN REPORTABLE LOCATIONS. You are not responsible for investigating to determine if the crime occurred. You are making the report in ‘Good Faith’ (meaning that you have a reasonable basis for believing the crime occurred).
Defining CSA Duties You do not have the responsibility to persuade or force the victim to report the crime to Campus Safety or Law Enforcement. You do have a responsibility to inform the victim that help is available, how to get help, even if they do not wish to report the crime themselves. Help resources information are shown later in presentation.
These are not duties of the CSA You do not have to determine the hierarchy of crime (what is the most important or most serious crime if multiple crimes occurred). If a series or multiple crimes are reported, Campus Safety or local law enforcement will determine the hierarchy.
Individuals Requesting Anonymity Although the individual may request anonymity, the nature of the CSA duties means - You will have to explain that although personally identifying information can be kept anonymous, you are required to report details of the crime itself.
Are you responsible for only reporting crimes that involve students? NO! - You are responsible for reporting: REPORTABLE CRIMES IN REPORTABLE LOCATIONS None of the individuals involved have to be a student.
Clery Reportable Situations The next few slides will detail situations that need to be reported under the Clery Act.
What are the Clery Reportable Crimes? Homicide (including murder, manslaughter, non-negligent and negligent homicide). Sex Offenses (such as rape, penetration with an object, fondling, & incest). Robbery. Aggravated Assault. Burglary. Motor Vehicle Theft. Arson. Domestic Violence. Dating Violence. Stalking.
The Definitions of Reportable Crimes Definitions of all the reportable crimes are on the reverse of the CSA reporting form. The CSA reporting form is available at: If you are in doubt as to whether the crime is reportable under Clery - report the situation to Campus Safety for their determination.
If you make, or are aware of, Referrals for Discipline for: Illegal possession of a weapon (knife, gun, etc.)– to sell, manufacture, or conceal. Violation of liquor laws – transport, manufacture, or sale. Violation of drug laws – sale, use, grow, or manufacture. Use the CSA reporting form to alert Campus Safety of these referrals.
Hate Crimes must also be reported. Hate Crimes are crimes associated with prejudice or bias based on: Gender. Sexual Orientation. Race. Religion. Disability. Ethnicity. National Origin. Gender Identity.
Two Reportable Categories That Receive Considerable Attention Sexual Offenses & Hate Crimes. These two categories are also identified as the ones most often brought to a CSA’s attention. For example: As you might perceive, many individuals will report a stolen vehicle to uniformed staff but may be reluctant to share the details of a sexual assault with anyone except someone they trust.
We just reviewed Reportable Crimes. Next we’ll review Reportable Locations.
What are the Clery Reportable Locations? On Campus. Public Property. Non Campus. These are Clery defined locations.
Definition of “On Campus” Facilities owned or controlled by WCC. Typically, the photo below displays what we think of as the campus.
Now compare to the map below, the shaded area is the WCC Campus as defined by Clery The shaded area represents all of the property owned and controlled by WCC
Keep the Big Picture in Mind But that’s not all of the defined reporting areas!
Clery also defines a category called “Public Property” The Clery Public Property category includes property adjacent to ‘On Campus’. Such as: Highways. Sidewalks. Public Access. Parks.
WCC Campus & Public Property Note: Public Property also includes the river. Public Property surrounding the campus is in amber color.
Clery also defines an area called “Non Campus” The Clery definition of Non Campus covers WCC extension sites. Classrooms used at the extension site are part of Non Campus. Non Campus also includes areas used to access our classrooms at the site. Access includes elevators, lobbies, halls, restrooms, stairwells, parking lots, etc.
Maps for the extension sites are available at:
Best Advice: report – report - report It may not be our property. It may not be our jurisdiction. We may not be responsible for a formal investigation. The victim may not be our student. The perpetrator may not be our student. But we may still be responsible to report it under Clery.
CSA Procedures Campus Safety’s annual notice to CSA’s. This annual notice (sent by each spring) is a reminder of your responsibilities and is sent to you by WCC’s Campus Safety Department.
CSA Procedures If you need to report a Clery reportable incident, the CSA reporting form is available at: Report both the incident date and the date you received information about the incident as the dates may be different.
Quick view of CSA Reporting Form
CSA Reporting Form Clery crime definitions are on the reverse of the reporting form.
Help Resources When needed, where should I direct a student to get help? A list of resources is available at: The resource list has information and referrals for situations of substance abuse, alcohol abuse, and sexual assault.
If you wish to review the Annual Clery Report Visit page:
Key Points for CSAs “report allegations made in good faith” “A crime is (considered) reported when it is brought to the attention of a campus security authority (CSA) or the local police by a victim, witness, other third party, or even the offender.” The institution must disclose crime reports regardless of whether any of the individuals involved in either the crime itself, or in the reporting of the crime, are associated with the institution.
More Key Points for CSAs Understand your basic responsibilities. Reportable Crimes in Reportable Locations Report ASAP – If in doubt, report. Explain to the victim how to get help. Have a general idea of reportable crimes. Have a general understanding of the reporting geography.
Frequently Asked Question What makes my CSA role different then that of the typical WCC employee? Answer, next slide.
Answer: CSA versus Employee Role It is assumed that if a crime was observed by a WCC employee, that they would relay that information to Campus Safety. In the case of the CSA observing the crime, this should be handled by simply calling Campus Safety. However if an individual approaches a CSA and wishes to report a crime to the CSA – it is under this type of situation that the CSA duties come into play. The individual may have selected you based on your relationship or level of trust with them, your title, or may have been directed to you by another employee. The Clery Act guidelines assume the person does not wish to report to uniformed authorities and have chosen you instead. These types of situations are the ones to report on the CSA reporting form.
Thank you for viewing the CSA information/training presentation If you have questions after viewing this presentation – please contact Larry Aeilts for additional CSA information.