LEARNING OBJECTIVES by Gary Batis Identifying training’s ongoing process in the workplace Understanding there is a reasonable cost associated with training activities, standards, resource requirements, and organizational impacts Identifying training resources, internal experts, or consultants
BENEFITS OF TRAINING Identify resources gaps Reveal weakness and strengths Clarify staff roles and tasks Build teamwork Better employee retention Increase productivity Improve safety awareness
INTERNAL TRAINING TOOLS Operation and maintenance manuals IIPP policy Standard operating procedures General safety practices Training staff matrix – safety and technical
STAFF MATRIX COMPONENTS Basic working level Journeyman level Advance level Instructor level Competent person
TRAINING ASSESSMENT Required certification Employee interest – individual or group Identify training throughout the entire organization Develop a meaningful training program for the near future Determine if the training is to be taken seriously and will benefit the individual and the organization
LEARNING RESOURCES APWA Certificate Programs – CPFP and CPII Technical certification programs State required safety and training certification Off-site training, local colleges certificate programs Computer on-line and home study courses Workshops, seminars, conferences Associations and professional organizations Publications, newsletters, and internet.
T RAINING ORIENTATION CHECKLIST Policies and practices Compensation Benefits Attendance expectations Alcohol and drug testing Employer/employee relations General safety training Specialized training requirements related to the job
TRAINING DOCUMENTATION Training title and date Agenda Number lines for attendee signatures Trainer or instructor name Copies of training materials and handouts
TRAINER LESSON PLAN Explain the value of the new skill or knowledge Clearly define what the trainee gains from the lesson Match lesson with objective Provide learning experiences Always include examples Encourage feedback Add a personal touch