Barnstable Public Schools Integrated Preschool Presentation Town Council Meeting November 20, 2014
Education Laws and Regulations 603 CMR 28.00: Special Education (7) Programs for young children. The school district shall ensure programs are available for eligible children three and four years of age. Such programs shall be developmentally appropriate and specially designed for children ages three and four years.
Bid #1 Barnstable Early Childhood Center Design Area (SF)8,647 TriumphInnovative Proposed Price3,677, ,170, Deduct 1 Transformer(98,000) (54,100) Deduct 2 Canopy(29,425) (17,400) Deduct 3 Reduce Classroom by 2'-0" (11,300)37.67(20,100)67.00 Deduct 4 Reduce Classroom by 2'-0" (32,300)107.67(49,800) Proposed Price less Deducts3,506, ,029,
Bid #2 Barnstable Early Childhood Center Design Area (SF)8,647 TriumphInnovative Proposed Price2,255, ,150, Deduct 1 Reduce Classroom by 2'-0" (11,300)37.67(10,000)33.33 Deduct 2 Reduce Classroom by 2'-0" (32,300)107.67(20,000)6.67 Proposed Price less Deducts2,211, ,120,
Bid #2 Proposed Budget Funding $2,000,000 Sale of Bonds Funding Total $2,000,000 Design Construction Documents $(98,400) Design Total $(14,400) Advertising $(201) Design Total $(113,001) Construction Building SF $(2,255,025)$ Construction Administration-TBA $(49,200) 5% Transformer – quote $(112,751) $(35,000) Construction Total $(2,451,976) Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment FFE District to cover Funding Surplus/ (Deficit) $(564,977)
Fiscal Impact Request for Appropriation and Transfer Order of $564,977 Council order appropriation for Barnstable Early Learning Center$2,000,000 Final design resulted in additional 1,147 Sq Ft & contingency funding Request redirection of funds from completed school projects$275, Remaining funds needed to complete project$289, Additional funding request$564,977 Request transfer of funds from School Department's allocation of General Fund Reserves: Available balance of $4.7 million