Bell Ringer 11/3/2014 Describe three physical characteristics of toddlers. Explain why they have that characteristic. For example: Toddlers fall down a lot because they are still learning to walk.
Toddlers One year old Three year old Moves with uncertainty Needs help dressing Eats messily Three year old Can run and jump Gets dressed alone Eats neatly with a fork or spoon
Toddler Development Physical Development
What we will do today: Standard 10: Compare and contrast physical, emotional, cognitive, and social milestones of development from toddlerhood through adolescence. I can describe aspects of physical development in toddlers. I can reflect on aspects of physical development in toddlers.
Why is this important? If you’re teaching a toddler why is knowing about their physical development important? Toddlers learn by doing, investigating, and touching. Toddlers learn through play.
Toddlers Developmental Milestones Video
Toddlers Learning Toddlers want to do things on their own. Often their motor skills are not fully developed and sometimes they can become very frustrated.
Gross Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills involve the use of large muscles What are examples of skills that you will see a toddler do that would involve gross motor skills?
Gross Motor Skills Walking Running Jumping Kicking Climbing
Fine Motor Skills Uses smaller muscles. Requires hand-eye coordination and Dexterity.
Fine Motor Skills Scribbling Stacking blocks Using a spoon Drinking from a cup.
Let’s see what it’s like to be a toddler… You will complete the three simulations on the activity sheet. After you complete the activity write a reflection about your experience and how it might affect learning.
How did it go???
Closing Activity On the same sheet that you completed your bell ringer answer the following questions: 3 things you learned about toddlers physical development 2 things you want more information on 1 thing you already knew
Bell Ringer 11-5-2014 What can a teacher of toddlers do to make sure that all of her students are socializing?
I can identify aspects of social development in toddlers.
Socialization The process of learning to get along with others Who do toddlers interact with that help them with socialization?
Learning socialization through play
18 months Parallel Play
18 months – 2 ½ years old 18 months 2 Years 2 ½ years Dislikes sharing toys Fears some strangers 2 Years Beginning to understand taking turns/ sharing 2 ½ years Concerned with fairness – for themselves
3 years old Cooperative Play
3 Years Old Cooperative play Will start to seek friends on their own. Likes to help Shows affection Notice differences between friends Will start to choose one friend over another
Types of Play Parallel Play Cooperative Play Symbolic Play Imitative Play Imaginative Play
What can caregivers do to promote good social skills in their toddler? Basic rules Model Understand and respect others’ feelings Respect for others belongings Use words rather than striking
Break into two groups Group one: Five reasons it is better for a child’s social development to be in a daycare setting. Group two: Five reasons it is better for a child to be at home with a parent for social development
Emotional Development I can compare and contrast changes in emotional development in toddlers.
Emotional Development Emotional Development depends on two factors: 1. The child’s experiences 2. The child’s temperament
Emotional Development Through ages one and three children are learning new emotions. They are learning how to express and deal with these new emotions.
Developing emotions: 18 months Self-centered – Thinking about one’s owns needs and wants and not those of others.
Developing emotions: 18 months Negativism – Doing to opposite of what others want. “NO!” The desire for independence Frustration The realization of being a separate person Why do children of this age go into tantrums?
How would you deal with negativism? Giving them choices Eliminate as many restrictions as possible Redirect the child Encourage talking
Developing emotions: 2 years Less at odds with the world More developed motor skills and speech Express love and affection Seek approval and praise
Developing emotions: 2 ½ years A little more difficult stage – Not as easily distracted Their ability to understand exceeds their ability to perform. Desire for independence
Developing emotions: 3 years More physically capable and less frustrated Want to talk about their day Will modify behavior to win praise and affection
Developing emotions: 3 ½ years Become insecure Fears Self-soothe
Bell Ringer Please get out your notes on emotional development. Come up front and get a copy of “Developing Child” textbook
Specific Emotions Use “The Developing Child” Read pages 325 – 330 1. Name the five emotions described. 2. Explain how the emotion is new to a toddler. (How they react) 3. Explain what a teacher can do to help them.
Toddlers New Emotions Anger Fear Jealousy Love and Affection Empathy
Anger Roots from frustration 18mo ----------------------------------------- 3yr Just angry Towards a person or thing Physical Name calling, pouting
Anger Teacher Should: Use words Speak Calmly Time in/ Time out – for student to rest
Fear Separation Anxiety Phobia
Fear Teacher should: Avoid passing on fears Discuss fears Read/ Learn Routine
Jealousy May be rooted in fear Shows 2-3 years
Jealousy teacher should: Allow taking turns Discourage taddling
Love and Affection Must learn love
Love teacher should: Fulfill needs Demonstrate love and affection
Empathy What is empathy? Empathy develops more over time
Empathy teacher should: Teach / Model empathy Teach child to apologize
Review What does it mean when we say that eighteen month old children are self centered?
Review How can a caregiver promote their three year old to use their words?
Review What could make toddlers feel frustrated?
Bell Ringer How can encouraging a toddler to use their imagination assist in learning?
How Toddlers Learn
Neuroscience Neuroscience is the study of the brain. People used to think that if you provided a toddler with clothes, food, shelter, and a loving/ safe environment it would be enough. Now we know they need experiences also.
Intelligence The ability to understand everyday situations Use prior experiences towards new situations Shaped by heredity and environment. Which is more important to the growth of intelligence: heredity or environment?
How Toddlers Learn
Concept Development Concepts are general categories of objects and information What are some examples of concepts toddlers learn?
What are some examples of concepts toddlers learn? Animals Furry animal : must be a dog. Shapes Colors Alive/ Not alive Everything that moves is alive Time: Before/ After, Later/ Soon
How children learn: Methods of Learning
Methods of Learning: Incidental Learning Incidental learning is unplanned learning Oops I just learned something! Sharp edges on the table, Sidewalk hurts my feet
Methods of Learning: Trial and Error Learning The toddler tries several different solutions to find one that works. 12 – 18 months looks like experimenting By three it is more advanced
Methods of Learning: Imitation Learning by watching and copying others How have you seen this?
Methods of Learning: Directed Learning Learning that is the result from being taught Deliberate teaching of a skill, fact, or attitude Who is the teacher?
Bell Ringer 11/20/2014 Think about the methods of learning (Incidental, Trial and Error, Imitation, and Directed Learning) Pick two of them and explain how you learned through those methods throughout the day yesterday.
Intellectual Activity Areas Page 356 All of these areas develop throughout life but are especially remarkable from years one to three. Intellectual Activity Areas Page 356 Attention Memory Perception Reasoning Imagination Creativity Curiosity
Ashley, Austin: Attention Kaela: Memory Doris, Harry: Perception Alisha: Reasoning Aurenerya: Imagination Nicole: Creativity Ken: Curiosity
Intellectual Activity Areas Group One: Attention and Memory Group Two: Perception and Reasoning Group Three: Imagination and Creativity Group Four: Curiosity and Attention Group Five: Memory and Perception Group Six: Reasoning and Imagination Read your assigned two sections. Be ready to discuss your section with the class. Page 356
Attention Attention span as long in minutes as their age (2 years old = 2 minutes long) In the beginning not able to ignore extra stimulation What can teacher do?
Memory Short term memory – Recall things for a short period of time. Long term memory – Important to remember 6-12 months able to remember things for a longer period of time 17 – 21 months able to make memories What can a teacher do?
Perception Perception is information received through the senses. What can a teacher do to help a child to help a child to learn how to compute information they receive?
Reasoning Making decisions Choices
Imagination Imagination helps toddlers to deal with new experiences. Imagination is an important part of learning because it allows a child to try new things and be different people ---in their imagination.
Creativity Using imagination to create
Curiosity Helps toddlers to discover new things. Curiosity fuels the brain and development and learning occurs. This is what causes children to wonder WHY!
READINESS TO LEARN Children can learn a new skill when they are physically and intellectually ready. This is another term for…. When children are pushed to learn things they are not ready for, they become frustrated and feel like they are failing. However, if you do not push children to learn things they are ready for, they will become “lazy” and not try. (shoes)
Toddlers Learning Through Play What kind of activities can a teacher develop for a toddler to learn? What tools would you need?
Review What are the four methods of learning we talked about today? What are the seven intellectual activity areas? What is concept development? Why is it important for a teacher to understand?
Good Morning! Please get out your notes on toddler development and start to review them before your quiz.
Good Morning! December 3, 2014 Please get out your laptop and log in. Once your logged on go to
Good Morning! Please get out a laptop and log on. We will be working on the research for your social issue research poster and gallery walk.