Education and Technology Engl 116: Kingsley
Changes in Education “I would say the historian’s mind-set is the person who sees what’s going on today, and assumes that whatever’s happening is not happening for the first time. And that whatever we’re seeing must have happened in some iteration, at some point, sometime in the past somewhere. And that those versions of the kinds of change that we see around us in various scales are just the latest installment of a very long series of similar such changes” (from “Laptop U”).
Future of education…technology? “Laptop U” Nathan Heller’s article examines the future of online college education. What does he find? What are some of the ways in which education is changing specifically? And, what are some of the concerns that he evaluates about this change? Use the text to locate 2-3 examples. Cite small quotes so you can bring our attention to that area of the text. (IN groups, you have 15 minutes to brainstorm, 15 minutes to write out your answer, and then we’ll present)
Becoming the expert Unit 3 In this unit, you will be developing your own research question within the theme of the course (This Time: Reading New Technologies in Education). What’s the question you’re exploring? What’s the current dialogue? Who is important to know in this conversation? Where are people talking about it? What readings do you want to highlight? “Has the future of college moved online?” (Nathan Heller)
Becoming the expert-- CHOSING A TOPIC—how to get started: What are your interests? What are your motivations? What kinds of questions are you curious to explore in the juncture between Education and Technology? What do you notice about the world of education? What are your motivations?
Individually, take 10 minutes to think through educational challenges you see or you face. Then translate some of those into simple, clear questions….Do 3-4 of these in the format below. Example: (My own challenge)---Getting students access to better technology (trends aren’t always good… You don’t know which technology to buy. You don’t know what will be most effective. You don’t know how much money there is going to be. You don’t know how it will get implemented or who will implement it. You don’t know if it will translate to better outcomes. Question: How can colleges better invest in technology? What are the changes in education? What do you face here?
Exchanging questions Get feedback on your questions… Which ones are most clear? Which ones are most compelling? Why? What are the most important or pressing ones?
Twitter!! #futureED
Homework Preparing for Unit 3: What question will you pursue? What kinds of conversations have you found? Summarize the most important. (5 articles—can have some videos, too) Where are you finding this information? (Look on different sites—blogs, twitter, youtube…to see what other kinds of information you find. Also look on DVC databases. You want to make a blend of conversations). Do any particular ideas get repeated in these readings? Any terms repeated? Any names? NEXT CLASS—LIBRARY!!!!!