Integrating Agriculture and Nutrition Food Security Network Technical Workshop Maputo, Mozambique Sept 21, 2011
Agriculture Nutrition Health Agriculture – Nutrition – Health HEALTH & NUTRITION BENEFITS AGRICULTURE THROUGH: AGRICULTURE BENEFITS NUTRITION + HEALTH THROUGH: Productivity Livelihoods Agriculture Income Risk taking Employment Education Food security Cognition Nutrition Dietary diversity Endurance Gender equity Physical strength AGRICULTURE POSES RISKS: Health Water-related diseases Food-borne diseases Zoonotic diseases 2
Connectors between agricultural development and nutrition Increased food for home consumption Increased income to spend on food Reductions in market prices because of increased production Shifts in food preferences: greater diversity, more nutritious choices Shifts in control of resources in household Strong link to gender for all these connectors
The smallholder value chain linking supply and demand for nutritious foods at the household level
Interventions to target each component of the value chain -need better image
Energy Protein Fat Vitamin A Vitamin C Iron Avocado Bambar groundnut Banana/plantain Barley Breadfruit Cashew nut Cassava Coconut Enset Groundnut Maize Millet Oil from groundnut, maize, nug, safflower, soybean, sunflower or other oilseed Oyster nut Rice Shea butter nut Sorghum Sweet potato Taro Teff Wheat Yam Bambara groundnut Baobab seed Beans/peas Cowpea Eggs/milk/ cheese Groundnut Kapok seed Meat/chicken, fish Melon and pumpkin seeds Oyster nut Pigeon pea Some insects and caterpillars Soybean Avocado Bambara groundnut Butter Coconut cream Groundnut Oil from groundnut, maize, nug, safflower, sesame, soybean, sunflower or any other oilseed Shea butter nut Some insects and caterpillars Soybean Amaranth or African spinach Bean leaves Bitter leaf Carrot Cassava leaves Cat's whiskers (Cleome gynandra) Chillies Jute Kale Liver Maize (yellow) Mango (ripe) Okra Papaya (ripe) Pumpkin Rape Red palm oil (unrefined) Rosella Sweet potato leaves Sweet potato (yellow- or orange- coloured) Baobab fruit Cabbage Cashew nut Citrus Custard apple Guava Mango Papaya (ripe) Passionfruit Pineapple Sweet pepper (capsicum, if orange) Sweet potato (yellow- or orange- coloured) Tomato Beans/peas* Kidney Liver Meat/chicken, fish Some green leafy vegetables* Energy Protein Fat Vitamin A Vitamin C Iron
The Results Framework outlines the goals and objectives of the Initiative as well as the linkages between certain activities, their results, and the overall goal. The Results Framework is based on economic analysis and research on the major constraints and impact evidence from evaluated approaches to reducing global hunger and poverty. Under FTF, we seek to support investments that demonstrate direct links to increasing incomes especially among the rural poor, increasing the stability in lives and livelihoods through asset building among the very poor and improving nutrition for the most vulnerable – especially women and children. The prevalence of hunger may be worsened by economic crisis, poor infrastructure, poor health, severe weather or policies that deprive large segments of the population of resources and opportunities, but its root cause is poverty – the inadequacy of resources to produce or purchase food and other basic resources. FTF is based on the introduction of measures to reduce poverty as the principal means of tackling hunger, accompanied by activities to enhance the awareness of nutrition at the household level and access by all members of target households to adequate healthy food. 7
This presentation was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Mercy Corps and Save the Children and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.