Game for acquisition of multimedia semantics Martin Polakovi č Ing. Jakub Šimko PhD.
We like homogeneity
Publisher vs. Consumer
Sea of Heterogeneity
Metadata -Data about data -Heterogeneous space -> homogeneous space -Machine’s eyes OWL
Metadata acquisition <- Machine driven Crowd driven -> <- Expert driven
Crowdsourcing & carrots - Likes doing things -Needs motivation -Loves games
GWAP -Problem -> game -Player plays game -Dumps data -We collect data
Our work = GWAP GAME -Multiplayer board game PURPOSE - Finding similar images
Board image board 3x3 1 image domain player swaps images points for match with 2 nd player
Reaching an agreement two players placing same image similarly
Locked image immovable no points starting points hint at image distribution
Ideal board state Determined by image characteristics Players strive to achieve Approximated during gameplay Game logs
Domain… any ideas?
Next ? Prototype finish Closed experiment Open experiment
Thx & all… See you next time
Martin Polakovic