but this holiday also reminds us to accept that death is part of life, Dia de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a time to happily remember our friends, family and pets who have died. WE ALL FEAR DEATH, but this holiday also reminds us to accept that death is part of life, and to appreciate what it means to be alive.
Decorating skulls with colorful, symmetrical designs is one art activity. Decorated sweets (sugar skulls) is one of the traditional foods made and displayed for the deceased.
People make pictures of skeletons doing normal things. What do you see these skeleton people doing?
sculptures in all sizes. People also make sculptures in all sizes.
Sometimes famous people are remembered Sometimes famous people are remembered. Like Frida Kahlo, Marilyn Monroe, and (who?)
People also build community displays, or altars, to remember their loved ones. Altars are displays of photos, flowers, food, arts and crafts, candles, & other symbolic objects.
What is your skeleton going to be doing? We are going to make a picture of one or more skeletons. What is your skeleton going to be doing? What is going to be in the background? You can decorate your skeleton with clothes, hair, hats And jewelry. She or he can be holding something. They can be playing a sport, at a party, cleaning the house, or doing anything normal. Your only limitation is your imagination. The more you do, the better it looks.
candles which flutter in the breeze We are going to make an Altar or Display for Dia de Los Muertos. We will make the symbolic objects out of various art materials. Decorated skulls, marigold flowers (whose strong color and fragrance guide the spirits), Monarch butterflies (migrating now, they carry the souls), paper banners and candles which flutter in the breeze