The WebLearn Portfolio and HEO Pilot: implications for a blended learning approach LondonMet T&L Workshop, July 07 Peter Chalk Undergraduate Centre tb2.


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Presentation transcript:

The WebLearn Portfolio and HEO Pilot: implications for a blended learning approach LondonMet T&L Workshop, July 07 Peter Chalk Undergraduate Centre tb2 A copy of these slides will be available at the end of the workshop

Workshop means work… Please arrange yourselves into groups, possibly by HEO module/ course/ subject areas –In September, will you be using WebLearn? –Will you be using the ePortfolio in a pilot? –Do you have special PDP requirements (eg professional body)? –Have you taken part in any WebLearn training?

A WebLearn HEO module, showing a PDP learning module to support the ePortfolio

In a ‘WebLearn module’ a PDP ‘learning module’ can help… Guide students in how to use the Portfolio: if so, what should be in this learning module? –PDP framework, if so, how to present it? –Links to learning resources, if so, which? –Existing PDP documents like the ugstudy/pdp web site? –Something else…?

WebLearn artefact ‘Save to Portfolio’ tool

In your WebLearn module, students can save to Portfolio… MyGrades, assignments, assessments and discussion topic discussions - –So how would you use this facility? –How would you encourage students to use it? –How should the artefact be reflected upon? (eg blog, new document, in module or in portfolio?) –How would you know they have done it…?

What’s in the WebLearn Portfolio Integration with WebLearn modules –Artefact saving (file storage area) Binders, including a multimedia gallery Blog/ discussion & calendar (not integrated) Goal setting & recording, evidence linked Guest reviewer facility (can track guests, eg module leader, tutor – who else?) CV (resumé) tool

Portfolio ‘Full’ Template or ‘aim’

If we use the full template… Does it match the first semester HEO structure? Should it include further binders for future semesters/ years? Is it helpful, or overwhelming? Should we expect students to be more creative…?

The ‘blank’ template… …plus a link to an external Portfolio

The blank template Does this allow the student to be more creative? Or is it scary? Could we include any helpful material…?

The ‘resources only’ template

If we use the resources only template in the 0708a pilots… What should go in the resources binder? What files should go in the my files area? What goals should be pre-populated? What links should be made…?

Reusable learning object (RLO) embedded in Portfolio

RLO task For your subject/ course, consider what RLOs might be embedded in the –Portfolio? –WebLearn module? Should we be developing any more RLOs –If so, which?

So, how did the HEO Spring semester pilot go, then? Why I can’t show you a student example… –Started late –Did not integrate into module learning and teaching –Presented as an add-on –Not linked to PDP related assessment –Students did not use it by choice –A few added me as guest, but did not create new content

So, how can we… Encourage students to use Portfolio? Know that they have started? Give them tasks that might persuade them to use it? Get them started…?

A Getting Started File… The following HTML file, with links, could form the basis for a ‘getting started’ link in the main Portfolio window –for now, but could be a portlet in the Student Portal, or a Reusable Learning Object…

Modified E Portfolio resources-only template with a personalised ‘Getting Started’ HTML file

Showing personalised links to PAA photo, course learning outcomes, and a textual explanation of the PDP purpose

‘Getting Started’ links to RLOs, PDP tools, Me & My Course etc

‘Getting Started’ can also link to module information & regs etc

And finally, what I concluded from my pilot in 0607b…

Conclusions from pilot Essential to –Integrate ePortfolio into L&T strategy –PDP-related assessment must involve creating and sharing content in WebLearn Portfolio –Spend time showing students how to use tools –Encourage artefact saving in all modules –Use blog to engage student with tutors –Use CV tool with Careers Service etc etc Template – minimal to encourage engagement?