Great Barrier Reef Cayla mckenzie
Coastal biomes Coastal oceans are waters that lie above the continental shelf. This where most fish come from and where coral reefs and plants grow. Examples: Hawaii, red sea, coast of Belize in central America and the biggest is off the coast of Australia
Great Barrier Reef The great barrier reef is off the coast of Australia. It is the worlds largest coral reef. It has over 3000 reef systems and coral cays. The reef can be seen from outer space, it is also bigger than the great wall of china.
Locations The barrier reef is located on the coast of Australia. Circle of latitude 10 degrees 41’s running east edge at 145 degrees 19’ 33E
Plants Sea grass are different than algae or sea weed because they have roots and are in the ground. There are about 30 different species of sea grass. Tiny algae lives in the flesh of corals. Marine algae most sea weed are not poisonous to humans but a few such as caulerpa are poisonous to grazing animals. Mangroves they are shrubs that grows along the shores of the back reef. More than 50 species in the world Red and brown algae are found closer to the shore
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Animals Dwarf minke whales visit the reef every june and july they feed on tiny plankton and krill. Humpback whales also pass through every year they are the 5th largest animal in the world as big as 600 people. Six of the seven species of sea turtles are found in the great barrier reef Green, Leatherback, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Flatback, and Olive Riley. Sea snakes can stay under water up to 2 hours before taking a breath, they feed on smaller fish. The oldest fish on the reef is the red bass.
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Species Spotlight The dugong is an endangered species to the reef. They are vulnerable to threats and changes to their environment, because they have slow breeding rates sometimes only 1 calf is born to an adult female every 3 to 7 years and after that calf is born it takes it 10 to 15 years for that dugong to get to its reproductive age. Their threats are varied from predators to natural threats such as, fluctuation in sea temperatures and salinity levels. To protect the dugongs they are increasing the habitat protection in key grass feeding and breeding areas.
Human Impact Some human threats are that we are over fishing. Also humans have added harmful pollutants into the ocean than can cause serious damage to the fragile ecosystems of the coral reef. Fertilizers and pesticides are also a great danger to the reefs.
Citations Great Barrier Reef. (2014, July 10). Retrieved October 7, 2014. Habitats: Coral Reefs - Location/ Reef Life. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2014. REEF FACTS: Plants and Animals on the Great Barrier Reef. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2014. The Great Barrier Reef The World's Largest Coral Reef. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2014.