Dolly foundation a local non governmental organisation based at Assin Fosu and Worldview Mission (WM) WM is a UN contracted NGO Org on the 22 nd of October organised free breast screening exercise to mark the world pink month. Every month of October is marked as breast cancer awareness month. The initial program of the organisation was the training of 35midwives in the municipality to help in the early detection of breast cancer. Due to lack of funds, the oncology workshop was not possible. During the screening Dr Mrs Beatrice Wiafe Addai, breast pathology specialist from peace and love clinic Kumasi, gave the midwives present a practical lessons on early detection of breast cancer. Dr Beatrice is the founder of breast care international a non governmental organisation, based in Kumasi.
Dr Mrs Beatrice Wiafe Addai Addressing the women on how to detected breast cancer in the early stage. They were advised by doctor to have a monthly check hence self examination was the best alternative for women to detect changes in their breast. Result 1000 women were screened during the free clinical breast screening exercise Some of the women were diagnosed of the cancer and were refer to peace and love clinic for immediate treatment.
Facts of breast cancer Cancer kills more people each year than HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined. Breast Cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed among women in Ghana. It is also a fact that more than 70% of Cancers in developing Countries are diagnosed too late for cure 40% of all Cancer deaths can be prevented.
Methodology and result Radio interviews Distribution of stickers Church announcement Banners and sign post Result 1000 women were screened for breast cancer 25women were diagnosed age (35-55years) Suspected cases were refer to appropriate clinic Public awareness of breast cancers
Challenges and Recommendation Lack of funding Ignorance of the disease and of awareness resulted in the low turn up lack of decentralization of the screening exercise limited the number of women. Recommendation Seek donor agency to support the awareness and breast screening in various villages. Seeking funding to organise the oncology training for the midwives in the municipality hence more qualified nurse could provide such service to women leaving outside Assin Fosu.
Acknowledgement of Sponsors Akpanya cleaning and construction works Utrak financial service Ice pack and privada mineral water
Profile Dolly foundation Dolly Foundation is a local non governmental organization in Assin Fosu The organization was formed in January 2009, It got registered in June 2010 with Registrar General Department and social welfare department. The aims and objectives of Dolly Foundation include the following; To give appropriate health care, counseling and health education To investigate, unearth and spell out the basic needs of women To use right and evidence – based approach for improved lives of the poor, vulnerable, voiceless and marginalized in society. To mobilize and build capacity of the youth to earn a living and support local level development activities To advocate for, and work with the marginalized individual and communities against inequalities, discrimination and marginalization
PROFILE OF WORLDVIEW MISSION Worldview Mission (WM) NGO, member of United Nations CSO-NET (ECOSOC CIVIL Society Network NGO Branch, New York. To connect ministries, with organizations of all sorts by providing information about the concerns of the 8 MDG L’s of the United Nations, and bring awareness of the current activities. To provide in their needs for a better understanding in our Multicultural society. In other words, to improve communication and support each other’s cause. To promote, support and improve communication among civil organizations and, the United Nations Missions for rapid and effective coalition between the countries. Worldview Mission complies with the 8 major MDGL’s and Statements of General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, of the United Nations to reduce the Poverty by 2015.
Worldview Mission Areas of Concern Community development Community service and volunteering Economic development Family and Parenting Poverty and hunger Education Leadership Employment Micro-finance Youth Court GOAL: To improve de quality of life for the people living in poverty helping them to become self-sufficient. MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are 8 international Development goals that 192 UN member states and at least 23 International organizations have agreed to achieve by the year
Contact us MS. Rosina Akourkor Teye Executive Director, Dolly Foundation P.O. Box AF 25, Assin Fosu, C/R – Ghana, Website: Tel: – Mobile: , Worldview Mission (WM) Headquarter EU/Holland NGO Tax-501 (coffee) (3) WORLDVIEW MISSION (STICHTING) Dept Holland +31 (01) (Landline) +31 (o) (Mob) Registered in Europe K.v.K , IRS ANBI B01 Contact Person: (WM) Chair and Founder Ms. H. H. Oord
PROFILE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Obi Jatex Worldview Mission, Health dept, Board Member, Nigeria Lecturer, Toxicologist, Biomedical Scientist, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics College of Health Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi, Nnewi Anambra State Nigeria Ms. Hélène H. Oord Ms. Rosina Akourkor Teye Worldview Mission Dolly Foundation Chair & Founder Executive director Counselor to the United Nation Director Women Affairs African views Mobile: +31 (0) Co host – youth initiatives webcast –African views Phn+Fx: +31 (0) sociologist, legal literacy volunteer and a panel Skype: helene.oord member for family tribunal Skype: helene.oord21 Skype : dollylove9 mail: Site: site :