1 Pertemuan 12 Implementasi SIM & Process Modelling Matakuliah: M0084/Sistem Informasi dalam Manajemen Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/1
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat Menghasilkan model simulasi dalam SIM (C3)
3 Outline Materi SIM dan Pertimbangan Manusia SIM dan Pemecahan Masalah Process Modeling - Data Flow diagram
Which Graphs to Use n Line or bar charts are best to summarize data n Grouped line or bar charts show trends over time n Grouped bar charts are better for representing parts of a whole n Compare variables using horizontal, not vertical, bars n Use single line or bar charts to compare data points 12-4
Segmented Line Chart Years (b) Legend: Apples Oranges Peanuts Dollars in Millions 12-6
Segmented/Divided Bar Chart Sales Revenue Years (d) Dollars in Millions Legend: Apples Oranges Peanuts 12-7
Human Factors Consideration n Behavioral influences can affect employees in their computer-related tasks n Fear –Replacement of people by computers –Computer systems tailored to organizations, not individuals –Managers and line workers are affected 12-8
Minimizing Fear n Use computer as a means of achieving job enhancement n Use formal communications to keep employees aware of firm’s intentions n Build a relationship of trust with employees n Align employees’ needs with firm’s objectives 12-9
Putting the MIS in Perspective n The first attempt to make information available to management n Enjoyed its greatest prominence in the 1960s when it first originated n Now integrated throughout the firm 12-10
MIS and Problem Solving n Organizationwide information resources –Provides problems solving information –Sets stage for accomplishment in other areas such as DSS, the virtual office, and knowledge-based n Problem identification and understanding –Main idea is to keep information flowing to the manager –Manager uses MIS to signal impending problems n Main weakness is that it is not aimed at individual problem solvers 12-11
Process Modeling MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 8/E Raymond McLeod, Jr. and George Schell Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc. B-12
Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) n Graphic representation of a system that uses a small number of symbol shapes to illustrate how data flows through interconnected processes –Most natural way to document processes –Emphasis on processes rather than data B-13
DFD Symbols n DFDs consist of four symbols 1) Environmental elements called terminators »Person »Organization »Another system 2) Processes which transform inputs to outputs »Labeled with verb and object »Also labeled with system or computer program name B-14
DFD Symbols [cont.] n DFD symbols [cont.] –Data flows which consist of logically related data elements that travel from one point or process to another. In other words, data in motion. »Structures »Diverge »Converge B-15
DFD Symbols [cont.] n DFD symbols [cont.] –Data stores which are data repositories. In other words, data at rest. B-16
Customer Mail Sales orders Entered sales orders Entered sales order data Sorted sales records Sales commission report Sales manager Sales order form file 1. Open mai l 2. Enter sales order data 3. Sort sales order s 4. Compute sales commissions A Data Flow Diagram (Figure 0 Diagram) of a Sales Commission System B-17
When Drawing a Context Diagram 1. Use only a single process symbol 2. Label the process symbol to represent the entire system 3. Do not number the single process symbol 4. Include all terminators for the system 5. Show all the data flows between the terminators and the system B-18
Sales Commission System Customer Sales Manager Sales commission report Mail A Context Diagram of a Sales Commission System B-19
Figure n Diagrams n Documents a single process of a DFD in a greater amount of detail n n represents the number of the process on the next higher level that is being documented n The term “leveled DFDs” describe the hierarchy of diagrams ranging from context to the lowest-level figure n diagram B-20
Figure 4 Diagram of a Sales Commission System Compute commission amounts 4.2 Accumulate totals Sales manager Sorted sales records Commission amounts Sales commission report B-21
How Many Levels to Use? n Restrict a single DFD to no more than six to eight processes n Use another tool to document the lowest level of detail but use no more than a single page. B-22
Data Flow Diagramming Guidelines 1. Label each data flow with a unique name. 2. Keep data flow names constant between levels. 3. Show proper disposition of records deleted from a data store. 4. When documenting a computer program, do not include reads/writes. 5. Avoid read-only processes. 6. Write-only processes are permissible when time serves as the trigger. B-23
Structured English n Narrative form of computer code documentation n Based on Pseudocode n Abbreviated, formalized pseudocode in a particular format that looks like computer code B-24
Structured English Guidelines n 1) Use a verb when describing each processing strip. n 2) Supplement verb with one or more objects when necessary. n 3) Use only three constructs of programming. –Sequence –Selection –Repetition B-25
Structured English Guidelines [cont.] n 4) Use only data names defined in the data dictionary. n 5) Use uppercase for all data names and computer syntax. n 6) Indent to show a hierarchical structure. B-26
Structured English Guidelines [cont.] n 7) When documentation is subdivided into modules, use the first line of each module for an identifying label and leave at least one blank line in-between. n 8) Restrict each module to a single entry and exit point. B-27
Structure English Example START Initialize storage TOTAL.SALES, TOT.COM = 0 Process sales data DO WHILE (more records) PERFORM READ DATA PERFORM PROCESS DATA PERFORM PRINT DATA END DO B-28
29 End of Session 12