Chapter 5 Settling the Middle Colonies
I.New Netherland Becomes New York 1609 – Hudson claims land along Hudson River for Dutch while looking for NW Passage New Amsterdam- Later known as New York
B.Beginning of New Netherland – Dutch West India Company sets up a trading company - New Netherland – Sent 30 families to settle 3.New Amsterdam – center of new colony a.Located on Manhattan Island b.1626 – Peter Minuit, governor of colony, buys land for about $24 4.Grows slowly a.No real reason to move there b.Their country was prosperous and tolerant of religions Peter Minuit
5.Recruiting settlers a.Welcomes all people in New England b.Gave large tracts of land to anyone who brought 50 settlers c.Riverfront property d.Patroons ran land as they chose; own laws C.New Sweden Established 1.Fur Trade – brought settlers from Sweden – New Sweden formed near Wilmington, Delaware 3.Dutch view New Sweden as a rival – Peter Stuyvesant, governor of New Netherland, seized New Sweden
D.New English King Takes Over 1.Civil War in England a.Parliament Puritans vs. Charles I supporters b.King beheaded for treason 2.Puritans run country for 11 years – King Charles II takes over
– Charles sends brother, James, Duke of York to seize Dutch colony. 5.Four English warships anchor at New Amsterdam a.Governor Stuyvesant tells colonists to fight back. Fight back! b.New Netherland surrenders without a fight c.Renamed New York in honor of James
E.Colonial Government 1.James becomes proprietor of New York 2.Allows Dutch to keep their religion, lands, and customs 3.Religious freedom to all 4.Colonists had no say in government New York Fur Trade Eliminate Competition Control Atlantic Coast Peter Minuit Peter Stuyvesant James, Duke of York
II.New Jersey A.New York too large to manage for James B.Gave land to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley C.Named land “New Jersey” after Carteret’s birthplace D.Proprietor colony-King gave large land tracts to friends who rented the land to others E.Kept religious freedom F.Developed separately until they became a royal colony in 1702
New Jersey 1702 New York too large to manage Sir George Carteret Lord John Berkeley Sir George Carteret
III.William Penn’s Colonies A.Quakers needed a place for religious freedom B.Quakers persecuted 1.Believed all people equals in eyes of God 2.Refused to take oaths 3.Women allowed to speak at meetings 4.Opposed war – would not serve in army 5.Refused to pay taxes 6.Did not believe in slavery William Penn
C.King Charles gave Penn land to repay loan from Penn’s father 1.Named land Pennsylvania 2.Pennsylvania – “Penn’s woods” D.Based government on religious freedom E.Paid Native Americans for land F.Attracted German settlers fleeing religious wars 1.Formed communities that kept alive their customs 2.Known as Pennsylvania Dutch
III.Delaware A.Pennsylvania had no seaports B.Penn receives grant from KingJames for 3 counties along the Delaware River for trading purposes C.Uniting two areas difficult 1.Delaware could elect their own assembly 2.Penn was governor D.Counties later broke away and formed their own colony, Delaware
Pennsylvania1681Religious TolerationWilliam Penn Delaware1682 Pennsylvania Seaport William Penn
Life in the Middle Colonies Farmers Thrived The Hudson and Delaware Rivers were rich and fertile Mild Winters Longer Growing Season than New England
Cash Crops Cash Crops-Surplus (Extra) crops that were sold for money in markets “Breadbasket Colonies” – Exported large quantities of grain
Livestock Raised Cattle Pigs Sent tons of beef, pork and butter to New York and Philadelphia Eat More Chicken! Don’t Smell the Bacon! Leave my butter alone!
Craftsman Pennsylvania-center of manufacturing and crafts Made hardware, clocks, watches, locks, guns, flints, glass, stoneware, nails, and paper Mined iron ore that was purified and hammered into nails, tools, and gun parts
Middle Colonial Homes Swedish log cabins
Middle Colonial Homes Dutch Brick Homes
Middle Colonial Homes German wood burning stove- warmer than a fireplace
The Backcountry Great Wagon Road
The Backcountry Scotch-Irish Settlers Made wooden dishes Gathered honey Hunted wild animals
The Backcountry Pennsylvania Rifle- “could hit a rattlesnake between the eyes from a hundred yards”