Teaching and Learning Update
‘Show my Homework’ All homework for all year groups to be set using this system from now on See Clare Pomfrey for login details New staff should receive guidance from their Curriculum / Subject Leader about its use Any questions / problems then see me! Homework timetable in planner, you decide on this for your groups and pass on to your Curriculum/Subject Leader
Presentation An issue picked up in OfSTED inspection, HMI visit and HIP visit last term We ALL have a responsibility to ensure this improves Clear guidance, in all rooms (if not see Charlotte!) and in student and teacher planner Students will get the message if we are all consistent in our approach The focus here is not getting students to underline titles etc for the sake of it, but for them to take care / pride in their work
Use of Levels at Key Stage 3 Use of NC Levels now not required – celebrate or …….? We will stick with their use for the time being, no reason to invent a new system yet. We will review the situation. The crucial issues are: 1. Work set to students is age / ability appropriate 2. The work is challenging and encourages students to think! 3. Students know where they are going and what they need to do to get there (marking and feedback / WWW & EBI)
Get them thinking (and working harder than you do!) Feedback from HIP visit also highlighted large amount of teacher talk, questions to the class and hands up for the answer, and not enough time for original thought from students Please be aware of this and methods you can use to get the students working harder than you do!!!! Sharon will guide you to where you can find some ideas later on!
Self Evaluation Current ‘Year’ and ‘Faculty’ Reviews to be merged Each Year Group will be looked at twice in a year, these reviews will include elements of the 2 old formats For example, a Year 10 review could involve lesson observations of some Year 10 lessons, Tutor Times and Assembly etc.. Further details to Leadership Group soon
And finally…..!