What does the teaching & learning cycle look like? Where are my students now? Where are my students going? How do I know when my students get there? “What children bring to school determines where they start but what happens in the classroom determines how far they get.” How People Learn 3 principles.. 1.An effective teacher needs to draw out pre-existing understandings & bring learning to new content 2.Focus on learning with understanding…deeper principles 3.Metacognition-How to self assess own learning…apply to new concepts. Intellectual quality is not fixed and can be increased through education
Research: what we know Teachers are the single most powerful influence on achievement regardless of students’ social backgrounds, ‘intake’ characteristics, or learning difficulties. (Hattie 2003) (Rowe 2004)(Cuttance 2001) 8-15% of the variation in student learning outcomes is due to variations between schools 55% variation in student learning outcomes is due to variations between classrooms within schools. SFO (Student Family background) accounts for 38% variance in student achievement. (Richard Teese (2007)
Identifying what matters Percentage of Achievement Variance Students Teachers Home Peers Schools Principal Professor John Hattie University of Auckland 2002
WRITING 2013 Target A 2013 Achievement A 2013 Target B 2013 Achievement B Teacher Judgements Yr. 1 10%9.87%20%33% Teacher Judgements Yr. 3 5%46%25%22% Teacher Judgements Yr. 5 10%15%20%32% NAPLAN Year 3 data for Writing has seen a significant increase and is well above State mean; School 465.7; State % students are above NMS, with 76.3% in the top Bands.. There has been a doubling of % students in the higher Band 6 from 21% 2012 to 40% in The school has performed higher than the AIP target of 60% (57% -2012) for the top Bands in Writing, achieving 76%. NAPLAN Year 3 data for Writing has seen a significant increase and is well above State mean; School 465.7; State % students are above NMS, with 76.3% in the top Bands.. There has been a doubling of % students in the higher Band 6 from 21% 2012 to 40% in The school has performed higher than the AIP target of 60% (57% -2012) for the top Bands in Writing, achieving 76%. NAPLAN Year 5 data for Writing has seen an increase and is well above State mean; School 514.7; State % students are above NMS, with 43% in the top Bands ( %). There has been a significant increase of students in the top Band from 17.4% 2012 to 28.4% in The school has performed higher than the AIP target of 31% in the top bands for Writing, achieving 43.3%. The school’s Relative Growth in terms of Effect Size (ES) from Yr.3 to Yr. 5 for was Writing: ES (Hattie -0.8 over two years) The school’s Relative Growth in terms of Effect Size (ES) from Yr.3 to Yr. 5 for was Writing: ES (Hattie -0.8 over two years)
John Hattie effect size….. FactorExample SchoolGuaranteed and viable curriculum- a cohesive school-wide curriculum and teaching methodology that is complementary and sequential. Between c/rooms differences…. Challenging goals & effective feedback Parent and community involvement Safe and orderly environment Collegiality & professionalism TeacherInstructional strategies Classroom management Classroom curriculum design StudentHome atmosphere Learned intelligence & background knowledge Motivation Major factors affecting student achievement-Robert Marzano John Hattie part 2
Antonio Park Primary School 2013 – 2016 Strategic Plan Strong internal accountability processes for self monitoring and reflection…Whole School Assessment schedule, e.g. Student Mapping Tool Team & Teacher Performance Plans reflect the SP / AIP goals e.g. Writing.
The Writing program at APPS has was introduced in May 2011at a full day staff conference- Doug Reeves work- Courtney Gardens Primary school Between May 2011 teachers have participated in professional learning at the school on unpacking the stages of writing and the genres…including explicit teaching of Teachers have worked in teams to establish assessment rubrics for writing. The Annual Implementation Plan from 2011 to 2014 has reflected the embeddedness and sophistication of the program…including an increase in targets for progress, growth and achievement.