Main Hall Room 16 Teacher Kate Jones
Welcome to English 9 Texts Curriculum Homework rules Of Mice and Men overview 1 st Trimester overview
Novels: Of Mice and Men Things Fall Apart Short Stories Drama The Elephant Man Antigone Sophocles Jean Anouilh Macbeth Poetry Prose Essays Articles Criticism
Essays Responding to and interpreting literature Persuasive writing Personal narrative Descriptive writing Creative writing Stories Poetry
Participation in class discussions Oral presentations
Vocabulary for the High School Student 4 th edition Words drawn from our readings Literary terms
A Pocket Style Manual by Diana Hacker Teacher Kate’s P’s and Q’s for written work: 1. Contractions and abbreviations should not be used in formal writing: isn’t, wouldn’t, can’t, it’s, etc. 2. Use of the 2 nd person (you, your, etc.) is seldom justified. 3. Titles should be underlined or italicized (I prefer italics). 4. Do not split infinitives: to not depend should be not to depend 5. Avoid ending sentences or clauses with a preposition: The person he gave it to should be the person to whom he gave it. 6. Avoid beginning sentences with an indefinite pronoun: it or this.
1. Written work for this class should be type- written and double-spaced. 2. Submit homework by to: 3. In the subject box of your , identify the assignment for which you are submitting. 4. Your full name should be on the top left corner of your work. 5. Give your written work a title.
Friday, 9/910: :30A John Steinbeck: the author and his times Of Mice and Men: Plot overview Vocabulary: Red Book Monday, 9/1210: :30B Character foils George and Lennie Slim and Carlson Candy and Crooks Curley and his wife
Tuesday, 9/138:10 - 8:55B Character foils (continued) Setting Play-novelette form Wednesday, 9/14No classB
Thursday, 9/152:30 - 3:15B Topics and themes The American Dream Loneliness and rootlessness The Common Man Naturalism vs. realism Steinbeck’s politics Search for the Holy Grail Cain and Abel
Friday, 9/1610: :30B Themes and topics (continued) Steinbeck’s style Point of view Form and Structure Review of literary terms Allegory Allusion Foreshadowing Symbolism
Monday, 9/192:30 - 3:15A Small group activity: Chapter 1: At the River Chapter 2: In the Bunkhouse Chapter 3: Violence Erupts Chapter 4: The Outcasts Chapter 5: Death in the Barn Chapter 6: Death at the River
Tuesday, 9/2010: :30A Small group activity (continued) Critical Response Wednesday, 9/21No ClassA Thursday, 9/221: :30A In-class writing workshop Friday, 9/2310: :30A Short paper due on Of Mice and Men
Novels Of Mice and Men The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Short stories Vocabulary for the High School Student Chapters 1 and 2
Write a short (one page) composition: Describe yourself OR an experience you had this summer OR where you see yourself in five years.