OnSite HBsAg /HCV Ab Rapid Test Detects HBV and HCV Infection in 1 run
Facts of HBV and HCV Infection Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) are the two most common blood born infectious agents. About 5% of world population has chronic HBV infection More than 3% world population is infected by HCV HCV and HBsAg is often co-infected Infected person or asymptomatic carries with HBV and HCV are only reservoir of infection. Prompt identification of carries is the key to prevent from HBV and HCV transmission.
Indication of HBsAg and HCV Ab Testing Blood donor screening Preparation test before surgery Hepatitis diagnosis
HBsAg Is The Marker Of HBV Infection
HCV Antibodies Is The Marker Of HCV Infection .
Current HBV & HCV Testing Procedure HBsAg Rapid Test HBsAg ELISA Test HBV PCR Test HCV Ab Rapid Test HCV Ab ELISA Test HCV PCR Test
A New Cost Effective Test by CTK
OnSite HBsAg/HCV Ab Test Procedure
Result Demonstration
OnSite HBsAg/HCV Ab Rapid Test Performance
Equivalent Sensitivity To The Individual HBsAg And HCV Ab Rapid Tests Specimens HBsAg positive HCV Ab positive Tests 1:100 1:200 1:10 1:50 HBsAg > + + N/A HCV Ab ++ HBsAg/HCV Lot#1 Lot#2 Lot#3 Detection Level for HBsAg: As low as 0.5 ng/ml
Performance on clinical specimens Detection of HCV HBsAg/HCV Ab Rapid Test HCV Ab ELISA Positive Negative Total 45 4 450 454 49 499 Relative Sensitivity: 100%, Relative Specificity: 99.1%, Overall Agreement: 99.2% Detection of HBsAg HBsAg/HCV Ab Rapid Test HBsAg ELISA Positive Negative Total 97 463 560 Relative Sensitivity: 100%, Relative Specificity: 100%, Overall Agreement: 100%
No false positive result Highly Specific No false positive result on 200 frozen random serum specimens 50 fresh random clinical specimens
No Inferenced By Common Chemicals HBsAg Detection HCV Ab Detection Control Strong Weak Neg. Birubin 20mg/dl ++ + - 6.7mg/dl Creatin 442µmol/l Glucose 55mmol/l Salicylic acid 4.34 mM 1.45 mM Heparin 3 U/ml 1 U/ml EDTA 3.4uM 1.1uM Human IgG 1 g /dl 0.3g/dl Citriate sodium 3.8% 1.27%
No Cross-Reactivity with Hyper Immune Specimens ANA specimens KB61155 KB64917 KB77964 KB77335 KB80040 KB8008 HBsAg/HCV Lot#1 Negative HBsAg/HCV Lot#2 HBsAg/HCV Lot#3 RF specimens 22 IU/ml 294 IU/ml 2515 IU/ml HAMA specimens SD3145 SD3135 SD3139 SD3158
Not Cross-Reactivity With Common Infectious Diseases Dengue HAV HIV Syphilis TB H. plylori HBsAg/HCV Lot#1 Negative HBsAg/HCV Lot#2 HBsAg/HCV Lot#3
OnSite: The practical advantages -DRUQ Detection Advantages Detects HBsAg and HCV Ab in 1 test run Easily accessible specimens serum, plasma, whole blood, suitable for emergency care Result Advantages HBV and HCV infection within 15 minutes, enabling doctor to take immediate action Highly accurate & reproducible User Advantages One test procedure for 2 test results Save specimen, reduce work load, and reduce cost! Quality Advantages Equivalent performance to the individual HBsAg and HCV Ab Rapid Test
Final Message to Doctors To reduce cost and work load Order Onsite HBsAg / HCV Ab Rapid Test Also available of OnSite HIV/Syphilis Ab Rapid Test
For further information about OnSite HBsAg / HAV Ab Rapid Test kits Exclusive distributor in Pakistan CTK contact information: Info@ctkbiotech.com sales@ctkbiotech.com tech@ctkbiotech.com San Diego, CA 92121, USA Offices in: Faisalabad Islamabad Lahore Karachi Prewash