Religion of the Ancient Egyptians
The ancient Egyptians practiced a religion that was polytheistic. The Egyptians worshipped numerous gods, but rather than living on an isolated mountain or in an unreachable heaven, they believed that the gods lived invisibly in the mortal world, acting through sacred sites, items, animals, or even chosen people.
The worship of a number of gods was a distinguishing feature of the ancient Egyptian religion. The Ancient Egyptians enjoyed talking about the gods. Like the gods of the Greeks and Romans, the Egyptian gods seemed to be made for storytelling. There were stories to educate, to entertain, and tales with morals, and in those stories, the gods didn't seem so far away and unreachable. It was comforting to hear that the gods also wept for those they had lost, to hear about the gods laughing, to learn that the gods faced many of the same problems that the people did, albeit on a grander scale. In learning about the gods on such an intimate level, the Egyptians could better relate to the universe around them. The stories explained the world they lived in.
The circle of life was an essential element One important religious concept was the creation of the universe. For the Egyptians, creation was essentially an act of regeneration, represented by the yearly flooding of the Nile River. Each day was also considered a repetition of the act of creation. As the sun, represented by Atum, traveled across the sky to rise and set and begin the cycle again, so the Egyptians felt assured that the created order of their world was eternal and ongoing. <--- THIS IS ATUM
Ancient Egyptian Gods & Goddesses, the short list. Ra - The Sun God, the one who was there at the beginning. Amun - the Father of life who later combined with Ra to become Amun-Ra the all important State God. Osisris, Isis, Seth & Nephthys came from the Creation of the Universe. Ptah created Heaven and Earth. Sekhmet was the Wife of Ptah. Seth murdered his Brother Osiris by trapping him in a coffin and then threw him in the Nile! Nephysis was Sister and Wife to Seth (!) Isis was Osiris' Sister and Wife (!) and sometime after his death was able to revive him long enough to conceive Horus. Osiris was chosen to judge dead mortals who wanted to follow him to Heaven. He sat in judgement as their heart was put in the balance against a feather of the Goddess Maat, who stood for truth. Horus - a Falcon, avenged his Father Osiris. Thoth was given the Moon and appointed assistant to the Sun God, Ra. Hathor, the Goddess of Love, Joy and Music
Your assignment Step #1: Describe Using the web pages as well as other additional resources, please look up ONE of the Egyptian gods or goddesses Please write a DETAILED description of your god/goddess and what they ruled over (i.e sun, afterlife, illness). You must describe them IN YOUR OWN WORDS!! DO NOT JUST COPY THE DECRIPTION ON THE WEB PAGE! Step #2: Draw Then draw a detailed description of your god, goddess using the pictures and descriptions that you find. We will be sharing these with the class! Step #3: Present On day three, you will do a presentation for the class AS your goddess or god. You must share with the class Which goddess or god that “you” are What things “you” rule over Any relationship to the other gods or goddesses Dress up as your goddess or god WAYS TO EXTEND YOURSELF!! Tell the class a myth about your god or goddess. Make a diorama, or a model of your god or goddess Use appropriate props during your presentation.