In July 2008, Jessica Logan, 18, committed suicide in her closet after months of alleged abuse from her Ohio classmates. Jon Carmichael, 13, of Joshua, Texas, committed suicide on March 28, 2010, after being teased by classmates because of his small size. Phoebe Prince.(n.d.)
Phoebe Prince, 15, of South Hadley, Mass., killed herself March 29, 2010, after allegedly being raped and enduring months of teasing by classmates in person and online. Eric Mohat, 17, shot himself in March 2007 after his parents say repeated bullying incidences were ignored by his school district in Mentor, Ohio. Megan Meier, 13, hung herself in October 2007 after receiving mean messages on MySpace. The 16-year-old boy with whom Megan had been communicating turned out to be a fabrication created by a Missouri mother who lived near her. Phoebe Prince.(n.d.)
SOLEDAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bulling Among Teenage Girls: uncovering constructive and effective anti-bullying Monica Santibanez Collaborative Health and Human Services Concentration: Social Worker
Problem Bullying is a growing problem with ineffective awareness and critical limited resources in our public schools.
Three Major Types of Bullying :
Contributing Factors to Bullying: they learn the habit of bullying at home they're insecure they want to get attention and be popular they have personal issues repeated negative actions seeking power, control or material things. eduguide (2013) & stakeholders (n.d.)
Effects of Factors to Bullying Depression Suicide Low self-esteem Long-term emotional scars Serious physical injury Violent revenge, aggression EduGuide(2013)
Solutions: Campaign Programs Keep programs continuous Funding Training Involvement PROMOTE ANTI-BULLYING
Recommendation: Detect factors of bullying before it escalates Keep awareness on bullying ongoing Encourage teenagers to speak up Make a safe haven for victims Promote! Promote! Promote!
References Info on preventing bullying, harassment, violence, online bullying and school bullying (2010). Retrieved from Girls Who Bullying: What, When, Why, and How (2013). Retrieved from Bullying (2013). Retrieved from NASP Resources (2003). Helping children achieve their best. In school. At home. In life. Retrieved from WiseGeek. (n.d.) What is physical bullying. Retrieved from physical-bullying.htm Bullying (2012). Just Another Longwood Blog Site. Retrieved from edu Phoebe Prince.(n.d.)-Victims of bullying-pictures-CBS Retrieved from