Computer Course For beginners Duration : 2 Weeks Classes Per Week : 3
Lecture # 1 Introduction To Computers & Their Components
What is a computer ? A computer is an electronic machine used to perform different tasks for e.g.: for gaming, listening songs, watching movies, chatting with Friends, doing some office work (like making a Presentation) and so on.
How a computer works ? A computer works by taking commands given by us or by a device present inside it and then gives us the result.
How we give commands to a computer ? We give commands to a computer by using Some electronic devices like : A mouse, Keyboard, joystick e.t.c.
Components Of A Computer A computer has following major components : i) CPU(Central Processing Unit) ii) Input Devices iii)Output Devices
What is a CPU ? A CPU is a combination of different components or parts responsible for performing different tasks.
What are output devices ? The output devices like monitor,LCD’s Connected to a CPU are used to show us the results generated by the CPU.
Parts Of A CPU A CPU has : - i).Input/Output Ports ii).Memory iii).Processor All these parts are present on motherboard an electrical circuit holding them together.
What is an input/output port ? An input/output port is a point present normally on back of cpu for connecting input and output devices to it.
What is memory ? A memory is a place where CPU stores information either temporarily or permanently.
What is a processor ? A processor is part of CPU responsible for performing all the operations on commands given by us through input devices.
Types Of Memory There are two main types of memory : i).Temporary ii). Permanent
Temporary Memory On a CPU the temporary memory is RAM (Random Access Memory ) and Cache Memory.
Permanent Memory On CPU the permanent memory is ROM(Read Only Memory ) and Hard Disk.
In which unit speed of processor is measured ? Speed of a processor is measured in Hz(hertz). For e.g. we say Processor A is 3.20Ghz(Giga hertz) and Processor B is 2.00Ghz 1khz(kilo hertz)=1000hz 1mhz(mega hertz)=1000khz 1ghz(giga hertz)=1000mhz
In which unit size of memory is measured ? The size of memory is measured in bytes for e.g. we say processor A has 2mb of RAM processor b has 7Gb of RAM. 1Mb(megabyte)=1024KB(Kilobytes) 1Gb(gigabyte)=1024MB(Megabytes) 1Tb(terabyte)=1024GB(Gigabytes)
How we select a CPU ? We will select a CPU having greater memory(both RAM, Cache Memory and Hard disk) and a processor of higher speed
Lecture # 2 Introduction To Software's & Installation Of Windows Based Operating System
What is a Software ? A software is like soul inside a cpu without it we cannot use it for performing different tasks. In reality they are a line of statements telling the computer what to do and how to do. Different software's are used for different purposes like for playing songs and videos we use windows media player and so on.
What are the sources of getting a software ? A software can be installed from a usb drive, cd/dvd/blue ray discs and from any website over the internet.
What is an operating system ? An operating system provides an interface to a user so that he/she can use computer resources like storage(for storing data),speakers(for listening songs) and other different software's like for playing games,watching videos e.t.c.
Installing Windows 7