Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism
Christians worship in churches and their leaders are known as priests or ministers. Christianity is the largest world religion, with over 2 billion followers worldwide. The most important Christian festivals are: Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas. Their holy book is the Bible. They believe in one God.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world. There are over 1 billion Muslims in the world. Holy Book The Quran Belief: The Five Pillars These are five rules that every Muslim has to live by. They are: Allah wanted you to have no other gods but Allah. Allah wanted you to pray to him five times a day, facing toward his most holy place at Mecca. Allah wanted you to give charity to the poor. Allah wanted you to make a pilgrimage (religious trip) to Mecca at least once in your life. Allah wanted you to fast (not eat during the daytime) during Ramadan, the holy month. “There is no God, but God, and Mohammed is his prophet.”
Belief They believe in Brahman, the universal soul (or God) which is found in everything. Hinduism Hinduism is the third largest religion. There are about 900 million Hindus worldwide. Worship Puja (worship) takes place in the Mandir (temple). Mandirs vary in size from small village shrines to large buildings. Hindus will also worship at home and often have a special room with a shrine to particular gods. Holy Book Bhagavad Gita
Read the following and answer the related questions: Belief: The Five Pillars These are five rules that every Muslim has to live by. They are: Allah wanted you to have no other gods but Allah. Allah wanted you to pray to him five times a day, facing toward his most holy place at Mecca. Allah wanted you to give charity to the poor. Allah wanted you to make a pilgrimage (religious trip) to Mecca at least once in your life. Allah wanted you to fast (not eat during the daytime) during Ramadan, the holy month. 1.Based on the reading, what is the main idea of the passage?_____ a.Allahb. The Five Pillarsc. Charity d. Fasting 2.Who is Allah?_____ a.Muslim godb. Prophet of Muslim c. Holy monthd. First Muslim 3.If you are a Muslim you are required to make a religious trip once in your life, what is this trip called?_____ a.Meccab. Fast c. Pillar d. Pilgrimage 4.Muslims must not eat during Ramadan. What is this?_____ a.The Holy Month b. The Religious Trip c. The Holy Place d. Charity for the Poor 5.What is Mecca?_____ a.The Holy Month b. The Religious Trip c. The Holy Place d. Charity for the Poor
Read and answer the questions based on information from your book. Page R50 1.List the % of each of the following in the world: a.Buddhism ________%b. Christianity_______% c. Islam_______% Pages R What is Palm Sunday?__________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.How many disciples did Jesus have?______________ 4.What is a symbol of Christianity?______________ Under “Primary Source” read the passage and answer the questions: 5.What is the New Testament?_____________________________________________________________________________ 6.What is one of Jesus’ famous sermons?_____________________________________________________________________ Pages R Hindus believe in a supreme being named _______________________________________________________________ 8.What is a symbol of Hinduism?________________________________________________________________________ 9.Diwali is the most important Hindu festival in India. How do the Hindus celebrate it?_____________________________ Under “Primary Source” read the passage and answer the questions: 10.What are the Vedas?_________________________________________________________________________________ 11.In the Bhagavad-Gita, Vishnu takes on the personality of whom?_____________________________________________ Pages R Islam is based on the teachings of what book?____________________________________________________________ 13.When Muslims hear the call to prayer what happens?______________________________________________________ 14.What is a symbol of Islam?_____________________________________________________ Under “Primary Source” read the passage and answer the questions: 15.When Muslims pray they say “In the Name of God, the ____________________________________, the Merciful” 16.The Exordium is also called _______________________________________________________.
Use your notes to fill in the missing information. The 5 Pillars Quran _____ Muhammed 2 nd Largest Religion Priest Bible _____ ChurchEaster Mandir Brahman _____ 3 rd Largest Religion Puja
Use the Chart on Page R66 to answer the following questions 1.Which two religions have no god?_________________________ 2.Based on their basic beliefs, which 3 religions believe “there is only one God”?________________________________________ 3.Abraham is the founder of which religion?___________________ 4.Which religion has no clergy, but a scholar class?_____________ 5.Which religion has the most followers worldwide?____________ 6.Which religion has the least followers worldwide?_____________ 7.Which religion’s basic belief says the soul never dies but is continually reborn?____________________________________ 8.Which religion’s basic beliefs say respect for parents and elders is important to a well-ordered society?_______________________ 9.In which religion is Muhammad important?__________________ 10.How many religions do not have a god and do not call their god “God”?_________