Glenn Nader Yuba & Butte Fire Safe Councils
Focus on fuels reduction around Focus on fuels reduction around Homes Homes Communities Communities Added tool Added tool Building construction materials Building construction materials Educational tools on CDs & Web Educational tools on CDs & Web Information on components of the home Information on components of the home Checklist Checklist “How to” conduct burn demonstrations “How to” conduct burn demonstrations
Key Points of Jack Cohen's Research Paper Home ignitability, rather than wildland fuels, is the principal cause of home losses during wildland/urban interface fires. Home ignitability, rather than wildland fuels, is the principal cause of home losses during wildland/urban interface fires. Key items - flammable roofing materials, vents, and the presence of burnable vegetation immediately adjacent to homes. Key items - flammable roofing materials, vents, and the presence of burnable vegetation immediately adjacent to homes.
Fire Elements Fuel HEAT OXYGEN Fire Behavior Factors Basic Fire Physics
Fire Concepts Heat the surface of combustible building materials to a point that the volatile gases are given off and combustion starts. Heat the surface of combustible building materials to a point that the volatile gases are given off and combustion starts.
Three ways wildfire threatens a house...
First, direct flame contact...
Second, radiated heat...
Third, flying firebrands.
Home Fire Exposure Pre fire front - exposure to embers before the fire front encounters the home, usually about a half hour. Pre fire front - exposure to embers before the fire front encounters the home, usually about a half hour. Fire front – embers, radiant heat and flame impingement for 5 – 10 minutes depending on the fuel load around the home. This is only 1-2 minutes in a grass fire. Fire front – embers, radiant heat and flame impingement for 5 – 10 minutes depending on the fuel load around the home. This is only 1-2 minutes in a grass fire. Post fire front – embers and burning debris continue to be exposed to the home for 3.5 to 4 hours, Many buildings are ignited and destroyed during this period and it is an important period for building survival. Post fire front – embers and burning debris continue to be exposed to the home for 3.5 to 4 hours, Many buildings are ignited and destroyed during this period and it is an important period for building survival.
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