Post Graduate Diploma in Business and Financial Administration
History Delivered more than 25 years. Recognized by the University of Southern Queensland, Australia as an entry qualification for MBA programme with five exemptions.
Module Structure (Semester 01) Principles of Financial and Cost Accounting Quantitative Techniques Business Environment Financial Planning and Control
Module Structure (Semester 02) HR Strategy Financial Statement Analysis Informational Strategy Marketing Strategy
Module Structure (Semester 03) Strategic Management Accounting Financing Strategy Principles of Valuation Research / Case Study
Important details on Lectures Conducted on Mondays- Thursdays Time From 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm 80% Attendance is compulsory: Sign Punctuality at lectures is important Cancellations/postponements etc. will be notified via the student portal.
Handouts Bulk reading materials will be posted to PDBF portal PDBF Portal: – Business School Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Finance right hand side PDBF Portal
Student Portal – Student Login User name: PDBM Pass word: PDBM
Assessment Techniques Written Examinations Group assignments In class presentations Case study assessments
Assignments Submitted on deadline provided No Extensions To be submitted to the Business School on or before the deadlines
Examinations Held at the end of each semester No postponements One week study leave No open book exams Strictly adhere to examination rules Violation of exam rules – Fail Examinations
Payments 10% discount for full payments 3 Installments (40000, 40000, 40000) Installment payments before the commencement of the semester
Study Facilities Please check and come during study leave The library is available to students requiring study areas.
Identity Identity Cards For reference with regard to payments and other reference with the Business School on questions and queries.
Feed Back Taken at the end of each semester at examinations Can be given at any time verbally or via e mail
Vehicle Parking Public car park
Contacts Udesh Priyankara/ Paramasivam Siloshiniaramasivam Siloshini ext Ashara Piyadasa ext Nabeeha Siddique ext. 1202
Q & A Session