Challenges, Hopes and Dreams of Indigenous Peoples International Presentation Association.


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Presentation transcript:

Challenges, Hopes and Dreams of Indigenous Peoples International Presentation Association

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by UN General Assembly, 61st session, It ‘sets important standards re IP’s in eliminating human rights violations, removing discrimination & marginalisation Goal: to encourage governments to work alongside IP’s to solve global issues

IPA’ s commitment to IP’s IPA People work alongside Indigenous People in many countries IPA People participated in Indigenous Forum at UN from 2002 The First World Conference on Indigenous Peoples 2014 was an opportunity  To create awareness of UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples among IPA & Indigenous Peoples  To study outcome documents and identify recommendations most suitable for respective countries  To draft talking points to use for advocacy at national and international level

World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) Preparation for WCIP called for active engagement of IP’s at regional & global level The resolution outlined basic program: inviting Civil Societies to participate (g); stating NGO Representatives would be invited to attend (I and j); and included further information about hoped for outcomes, etc. World Conference was in New York, September 2014

Action from IPA 1.Did research 2.Identified people engaged with Indigenous Peoples o Created awareness of World Conference on IP o Engaged IP in conversation on ‘Declaration...’ at UN and regional level 3. Gathered data Information was sent to IP re concerns, hopes, dreams with return schedule for IPA working group 4. Report writing Collated responses into paper for WCIP

IPA NGO Representative advocacy Final document was used at UN & IPA in: developing talking points; submitting written statements; presenting oral interventions; engaging in dialogue during panel discussions; organizing side/parallel events; printing publications; meeting various governments and UN agencies; Advocacy is strengthened with position papers related to theme of event, supported with evidence based data from countries where IPA has a presence

Listening IPA heard wisdom of 50 Indigenous people from: AustraliaCanadaEcuador New Zealand PhilippinesIndia And others who worked alongside them, hearing their challenges, hopes and dreams

Challenges Indigenous people hope for systemic change re: discriminationinjusticeunemployment homelessnessilliteracycorruption bon ded slavery These lead to: lack of self-confidenceapathyalcoholism fear of authority drug abuse violence

Hopes 1.Recognition of sacredness of land and water 2.Integrity of all earth’s eco-systems 3.Education by Indigenous peoples on issues affecting them 4.Future employment, especially for youth 5.Justice that recognises their rights 6.Respect and promotion of their culture

Positives Women gain confidence in business and farming; Sale of handicrafts; Tribal women support each other, start self-help groups; Improved maternal health; Herbal remedies used, shared training re natural health; Increased secondary education; More lawyers, health workers, educationalists and social workers support their own people;

Ecuador dreaming “My dream is that my children will not suffer as I have... I dream of having my own house” “We dream of a society with equal opportunity for all, where there is food and no one goes hungry; Where wives and daughters do not have to walk long distances to get water; Where affordable education and health services are available at all times; We dream of a happy life for themselves and our children.”

India Positives India: “We were ignorant, in our wadi. With no school the sisters taught our children, established the Saving scheme and got the Government to start goat rearing. Now all our children are enrolled in school and we are able to speak to anyone. We went to the District Police station to complain about people selling alcohol in the Wadis.”

Maori and Aboriginal dreaming Maori people want: ‘Health, education, housing, jobs that last, Treaty of Waitangi better understood by all, a social justice system that fully recognises the rights of all people – issues faced by all people in NZ – not just Maori.’ Aboriginal Australia: “Real application & implementation of UN DRIP to be carried out, a copy of declaration be studied by communities of various cultures. ‘Free, prior and informed consent’ to be fully respected”.

Philippine Dreaming The Indigenous people of the Philippines hope: ‘The government will listen to the Indigenous People seriously and attentively, initiate a thorough education during regional assemblies re law on Indigenous People, adequately inform them of their rights, resources, budget and services/programs available, have an Indigenous Person Office in every locality/town that welcomes them to seek information, relief and services.’

Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples Indigenous peoples help us reflect on mistaken idea of development when we see how their spiritual outlook on life and their ecological awareness over centuries have sustained and enlightened them. Their innate wisdom is extremely valuable today. A young Indigenous person suggested we need: ‘ native language, identity, cultural awareness and care for our natural world.’ We respect the rights, dignity and differences within cultures at all levels.

IP’s Recommendations 1.The recognition and affirmation of treaty rights as stated and supported by the UN International Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples be implemented by all governments. 2.Indigenous rights to free, prior and fully informed consent regarding government legislative or administrative measures that may affect them be implemented by governments, especially regarding extractive industries and the building of dams.

IP’s Recommendations 3. Indigenous leadership that seeks to address injustices in education, housing, health, poverty, childcare, land and water rights and economic development be actively supported. 4. Prejudice, discrimination and racism be eliminated.

IP’s Recommendations 5. Policy discussions regarding ecological protection include Indigenous people, as they have been the experts for centuries. 6. Educational policies take language, culture, spirituality and Indigenous traditions into account. 7. Land rights be recognised by each government, as corporate ownership of land is crucial to Indigenous people’s continued existence.