Prepare to Meet Your God!


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Presentation transcript:

Prepare to Meet Your God!

The Deity of Jesus Christ

Jesus Is God JESUS PRE-EXISTED HIS PHYSICAL BIRTH: Jesus created the universe in Gen 1:1 (John 1:3, Heb 1:2,8-12; Col 1:16-17) Jesus existed before Abraham who died 2000 BC: John 8:56-58

Jesus is God JESUS IS DIVINE IN NATURE Col 2:9: the fullness of deity Heb 1:3: exact representation of His nature Jn 14:8-10 He who sees Me sees the Father.

Jesus Is God Passages where Jesus is called God: Heb 1:8 Father addresses Son as God Jn 1:1 The word was God Phil 2:6-8 Jesus existed in the form of God Jn 20:28 'My Lord and My God Isa 7:14 "A Child Will Be Born And His Name Is Called": "Emanuel: God with us" Isa 9:6 "A Child Will Be Born And His Name Is Called": "Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace"

Jesus Is YHWH? YHWH is Creator of All: Nehemiah 9:6 Jesus Is Creator of All (John 1:3; Col 1:16) YHWH is Almighty God: Gen 17:1 Jesus is Almighty: Rev 1:8, 11; 22:1-6 Isaiah saw YHWH: 6:1-10 Isaiah saw the Glory of Christ: John 12:37-41

Jesus Is YHWH? YHWH will have a forerunner: Isaiah 40:3; Mal 3:1 Verses are applied to Jesus in NT: Matt 3:3 YHWH will be pierced: Zech 12:10 Jesus was pierced: John 19:37 People must call on the name of YHWH to be saved: Joel 2:32 Text applied to Jesus Christ in Acts 2:28, 22:16, Rom 10:13 There is no other name that can be given under heaven but Jesus Christ: Acts 4:12

What do these people have in common? The wise men - Mt 2:11 The leper - Mt 8:2 The rich young ruler - Mt 9:18 The disciples in the boat - Mt 14:33 The Canaanite woman - Mt 15:25 The man born blind - Jn 9:38 The women and other disciples following Jesus’ resurrection - Mt 28:9,17 All of these people worshipped Jesus!

Jesus Should Be Worshipped Angels should not be worshipped, only God: Rev 19:10; 22:8-9 Men should not be worshipped, only God: Acts 10:26 Jesus accepts worship from Angels: Heb 1:6 All creation worships both Father and Lamb: Rev 5:11-14

Consequences of Disbelief Jesus said, “unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.” (John 8:24) The book of John was written with the purpose of proving that Jesus is the Son of God (a term of deity) and that we can have life through Him if we believe in His name. If we have a different Son than the One that is shown in scripture, we do not have the Father either! (1 John 2:23)