THE BIBLE The Written Word of God
The Bible was written by humans under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is a living, faith building document. There is truth in all of the stories in the Bible; even if some of the stories never really happened. The truth is in the message. The Bible is actually a Library. It consists of several literary genres, narratives, poems, songs, history books, parables, etc. The Bible has had many authors, from many time periods and has been compiled over hundreds of years.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA DIVINE INSPIRATION History alone allows us to establish the fact that Jews and Christians have always believed in the inspiration of the Bible. But what is this belief worth? Proofs of the rational as well as of the dogmatic order unite in justifying it. Those who first recognized in the Bible a superhuman work had as foundation of their opinion the testimony of the Prophets, of Christ, and of the Apostles, whose Divine mission was sufficiently established by immediate experience or by history. To this purely rational argument can be added the authentic teaching of the Church. A Catholic may claim this additional certitude without falling into a vicious circle, because the infallibility of the Church in its teaching is proved independently of the inspiration of Scripture; the historical value, belonging to Scripture in common with every other authentic and truthful writing, is enough to prove this.
THE PENTATEUCH The first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy make up the Torah/the Law/the Pentateuch. The authors are unknown. Scholars detect 4 possible schools of ‘authorship’.
FOUR AUTHORS OF THE TORAH Yahwist-Elohist-Deuteronomist-Priestly Indicated by style of writing – focus of writing The Torah is history based, not just abstract ideas.
GOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Differs from other ‘god’centered writings 1. The ancient world did not believe in One God 2. Biblical God created the entire universe out of nothing 3. Morality and religion are joined in the Bible unlike other ancient texts. Holiness, goodness, justice are united.
4. Profound truths are revealed to the people of God, unlike philosophy(reason), Mysticism(experience), Myths(imagination) God is seeking humanity just as humanity is seeking God.
GENESIS ESTABLISHES God is revealed through Words God said, “Let there be Light” and there was light. God is revealed through Deeds. Cain’s Mark, the Flood, The Rainbow God is revealed through Special Instruments Abel, Noah, Abram
GENESIS 3 PARTS CreationGeneration FallDegeneration RedemptionRegeneration Paradise ParadiseLost Paradise Regained Action Moves from Eden(innocence) to Egypt(sin+slavery) Hoping for Deliverance
MAJOR FIGURES OF GENESIS Adam/EveIsaac/Rebekah AbelJacob CainLeah/Rachel NoahJoseph Abram/Sarai Hagar and Ishmael
MAJOR EVENTS OF GENESIS Paradise Lost The Flood Covenant with Abraham Sacrifice of Isaac Jacob and his 12 sons (12 Tribes of Israel) Joseph sold to slavery in Egypt
MAJOR TRUTHS TAUGHT IN GENESIS Creation by God, from nothing, all creation is good. God is all powerful, all knowing. Introduces new revelation about God – God is one, God is involved in the lives of human beings, God has a plan for humanity. God remains faithful, humans remain faithless. God remains patient, humans are fickle. God triumphs in the end.