Management of Production Planning Data By Medimi Harita Mrt Nr:
Overview Introduction SAP ERP Systems Production Planning Basic data Material Master Bill of Material (BOM) Work Center Capacity Routing Production resoures DELMIA Conclusions
Introduction Industries have different information indivitual specialized systems. Customized information systems. SAP ERP systems plays a critical role. CAD is also another Production planning tool used in many industries. DELMIA is a digital manufacturing tool to designing and planning Production planning is nothing but managment of sales,procurement,qulity,maintance, project,human capital,finance and controlling functions of the campany. 3
SAP ERP ERP is an integrated information system Can be accessed by many branches of an Industry Change made by any user is immediately seen by any other users Centralized data base managed system 4
Production planning basic data PP Basic data Bill of material Production resourse capacities routing Work center Inspection plans Production facillites materials 5
Material master Material master team coordinates with the client Aggrements for configuration objects (type or quality) Material master contains the basic information to manage the material. Information is used through various departments. Material description and base unit for measure is visible to all departments. 6
Branches 7 Material master record Work Scheduling Quality management Storage Accouting MRP Forecasting
To set up the attributes of material types, follow the configuration (Transaction SPRO) menu path Logistics – General Material Master Basic Settings Material Types Define Attributes of Material Types. 8
Bill of Material (BOM) A bill of material is a complete, formally structured list of the components that make up a product or assembly. The list contains the object number of each component, together with the quantity and unit of measure. It contains the information about the integrated material management and control. It can be divided in to simple, variant and multiple BOMS 9
BOM Usage The design department can base their work according to BOM. The production BOM includes all the items required from the production and assembly point of view. To assemble a product, only items required which are relevant to production. The costing BOM describes the product structure and is used to automatically determine the costs of the materials required for a product. Items that are not relevant to costing are not included in the costing BOM. 10
Typical BOM overview Tab 11
Work Center Work center is a place where a machine or group of machines, persons or group of persons add value to the production manufacturing process. Production and Production costs teams togehter decides number of work centers needed. Formulas are defined in Work center those can be used in capacity requirements planning (CRP), Scheduling and costing. 12
Work Center (contd..) Standard value key: Standard values are planned values for the excution of an opertion and are maintained in the operation. Performance Efficiency rate key= Individuals actual output/planned averaged output 13
capacity Capacity planning enables the use of the production resoures Standard Available capacity : It‘s used for calculating execution time. It is indepenant on order It has fixed working time Unit of Available capacity Time In any unit it is expressed in numers 14
Routing Describes Various operations involved Proper ordering of the individual operations Locations of various work centers Standard value keys Formulas Performance keys 15
Production Resource Movable machinary Each of the resource is assigned for particular application Production Facility Layout Design Location 16
DELMIA Digital manufacturing tool for production planning 3DExperience platform Provides real time visibility accross manufacturing operations Process simulations 17
DELMIA (Contd..) Improves the resource management Manage operations as a cohesive whole Responds faster to un expected events Reduce the operational costs Continuously improve products and processes Maintain 24x7 operations Impliment global manaufacturing best practices 18
Conclusions Process planning is an integral component of Product life cycle management There are various number of tools are existing in market SAP –PLM is one of the most sophisticated sytem for the process planning and design SAP ERP is integrated information system to interlink among various components in production planning DALMIA is more robust and cost effective system where 3D experience and simulaions are possible 19
References SAP ERP guide Production planning and control with SAP ERP. Javed Aktar, Galileo press. DELMIA user manual 20
Thank you 21