Integrating the GEF in Sustainable Development Policy of Kazakhstan Ministry of Environmental Protection Republic of Kazakhstan Integrating the GEF in Sustainable Development Policy of Kazakhstan Zhanar Mautanova Istanbul
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Rio de Janeiro, 1992 World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, 2002
Strategic Documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan Development Strategy of Kazakhstan 2030 Strategic Plan of Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2010 Industrial-Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2002-2015 Environmental safety concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2004-2015 Strategy of Territorial Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2015
Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1st March of 2006 «Strategy of entering of Kazakhstan in number of the most competitive countries of the world» Acceptance of Ecological Code in 2006, directed on harmonization of ecological legislation with the advanced international acts Creation of the basic ecological standards of sustainable development to 2010
Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ecological standards of sustainable development of society Harmonization of ecological legislation with the advanced international acts, Transition to new standards Improvement of state control
Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan On the Concept of transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Sustainable Development for the Period 2007-2024 Concept Goal: The goal of the Concept is to achieve economic, social, environmental, and political balance of the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a base for improvement of quality of life and provision for the competitiveness of the country in the long term period
Condition of Environment How enter 50 most competitive and developed countries of world? It is necessary to provide a high degree quality of a life Model of life quality Quality of life Life expectancy Well-being Condition of Environment = х х
Objectives Increase of resources usage effectiveness index Increase of the average life interval of population Increase of the environmental sustainability index Ensuring the successful implementation of internal and foreign policy
realızatıon of the Concept: What will be made for realızatıon of the Concept: - Plans on all country, regions, branches and separate enterprises wıll be prepared; - indicative target objectives will be put to each region and branch; - Since 2010 it is necessary to build the state budget ın accordance wıth the purposes and priorities of sustainable development; - Demographic and ecological policy, ıssues of social safety, quality of a life - in the chapter of a corner.
Plan of measures on realization of the Concept for 2007-2024 Provides a complex of the interconnected measures on maintenance of legislative, institutional, personnel support of transition to sustainable development
Development of the Law of Republic Kazakhstan " About Sustainable development" - Legislative fastening of sustainable development concept and its basic mechanisms - Definition of a role of sustainable development in relation to basic elements of Kazakhstan statehood, the rights and duties of citizens, states, public organizations, subjects of economy - Designation of functions of the authorized body in sphere of sustainable development - Normative-legal regulation of introduction of principles of sustainable development in various spheres of public life
sustainable development Branch parameters of sustainable development Target parameters of sustainable development Adjusting Parameters of Sustainable Development Approved in the Concept of transition of the Republics Kazakhstan to sustainable development for 2007-2024 Target parameters of sustainable development To be approved by the Decree of Government Regional target parameters of sustainable development To be approved by Oblast Akimats Branch parameters of sustainable development To be approved by the decree of Minister
The program of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2009 Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbaev to people of Kazakhstan on February, 28, 2007 Strategy “Kazakhstan 2030" at the new stage of development of Kazakhstan Creation of transboundary zones of sustainable development with the international participation, by an example Danube, Alpine and Andes agreements The program of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2009 One of the basic elements of the strategic purpose – sustainable development
The GEF participation in performance of national priorities Projects with the GEF cofinancing within the framework of the strategic documents, directed to: - conservation of a biodiversity - easing of effect of climate change - struggle against land degradation - the termination of use of ozone-destroying substances and Persistent Organic Pollutants
Examples of the most effective projects - Dryland Management - Complex conservation of priority global significant water-marsh lands as places of dwelling migrating birds
Objectives on transition to sustainable development Challenges Objectives on transition to sustainable development