1 Speaker: Mylenka Myroslava, Ph.D. in Biology, associate professor, a doctoral student of Biology and Ecology Department Modern state and prospects of the development of ecological education in State University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University” (in the context of realization of the objectives of project program TEMPUS “Ecological education for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine”)
2 General description of State University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University” State University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, the first classical university in Precarpathia, was founded on the 1 st of March The University incorporates 8 educational institutes, 6 faculties, 4 education-consulting centers in Ivano- Frankivsk, Ternopil and Transcarpathia regions, 4 colleges, a school-lyceum, 3 research institutes, 11 scientific centers, Center of postgraduate education and pre-university training, Center of information technologies, Center of distance learning and knowledge control, dendrological park, Botanical Garden. Position of the University in national and international ratings: Rating of classic universities of Ukraine “Top Ukraine” - position 10; Rating of “Scopus” – position 11 ”Webmetrics” - 7/274 Universities of Ukraine The teaching staff of the University includes 965 teachers, among them 98 Doctors of sciences, professors, 604 candidates of sciences, associate professors. There is postgraduate studies in 54 specialities and doctoral studies in 7 specialities. About 16 thousand students train in 15 specializations and 47 specialities. The University provides training of students for Specialist’s, Bachelor’s and Master's degree. During the years of its existence the University has trained over 80 thousand professionals
3 Reconstructing of astronomic observatory on the mountain Pip Ivan ) (The University of Warsaw) Forming of the International Meeting Center of students of Ukraine and Poland (The University of Warsaw) Nanomaterials in the devices of generation and accumulation of energy (NATO Project ) Clean Air Management in the Romania- Ukraine Transboundary Area (CLAMROUA) (Hungary-Slovakia- Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-Border Cooperation Programme - HUSKROUA) Joint Support Office for Enhancing Ukraine’s Integration in the EU Research Area ( ) JSO-ERA EU Project Cooperation in scientific and engineering research and education ( ) The CREST project Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University accumulated considerable experience working with research centers in Europe, Asia and America in such directions as: joint research activities; improving the research process; the use of advanced technologies; organizing conferences, seminars, symposiums, training of the teaching staff. The University concluded more than 70 agreements with foreign universities. The University is a member of the European (Brussels, Belgium) and Eurasian Association of Universities (Moscow, Russia) INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED IN THE UNIVERSITY
TEMPUS-DE- TEMPUS JPHES WeNet TEMPUS AT-JPHES (BUSEEG-RU-UA ) Network of E- Learning Training in Tourism (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia) Berufliche und unternehmerische Selbständigkeit durch Entrepreneurship- Erziehung und Gründungsberatung ( ) PARTICIPATION OF UNIVERSITY IN TEMPUS PROJECTS
5 The Department of Biology and Ecology: Competences : - t raining of professionals-ecologists for Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s Degree ; - development of variant parts EQC, OPP, DA; teaching methods of variant education standards, optional ecological programs ; - providing scientific component of training for masters- ecologists ; - c ooperation with schools of II-III accreditation levels ; - popularization of ecological education in the region ; Bogdan Stuparyk Department of Pedagogy Competences : - argumentation of didactic principles of learning professional, humanitarian and general education subjects ; - providing of pedagogical component, taking into account the features of the special training of educational process ; - pedagogical support of educational activity in the field of ecology Providing of professional complex many-stage ecological education
Ecology and Environmental Protection. Qualification: An ecologist. A teacher of higher educational establishment Environmental control and audit Qualification: An expert of ecology Wildness protection Qualification: An engineer of natural ecosystems protection Master’s Degree programs Pedagogical component: Pedagogy and Psychology of higher school; Higher Education and the Bologna Process; Methods of teaching in higher school, etc Professional and scientific component: Stress and adaptation of biosystems; Evolutional ecology; Protection and exploitation of populations and groups Restoration of transformed ecosystems, etc. Pedagogical component: Pedagogy and Psychology of higher school; Higher Education and the Bologna Process; Methods of teaching in higher school, etc Professional and scientific component: Stress and adaptation of biosystems; Evolutional ecology; Protection and exploitation of populations and groups Restoration of transformed ecosystems, etc. Pedagogical component : Higher Education and the Bologna Process; Professional and scientific component: Ecological diagnostics of biosystems; Security technology and engineering Ecologic- economical policy etc. Pedagogical component : Higher Education and the Bologna Process; Professional and scientific component: Ecological diagnostics of biosystems; Security technology and engineering Ecologic- economical policy etc. Pedagogical component : Higher Education and the Bologna Process; Professional and scientific component: International practice of reserve business; Environmental genetics; Geobotany Arealology etc. Pedagogical component : Higher Education and the Bologna Process; Professional and scientific component: International practice of reserve business; Environmental genetics; Geobotany Arealology etc.
7 Developing and introducing of regional conception of ecological education taking into account natural, anthropogenic and social features of Precarpathia and available scientific and pedagogical potential of the region. Popularization of ecology-educational ideas using mechanisms of eco-marketing policy. Increase of ecological competence of population by creating “ecological camps”, “ecological schools” for students and youth, courses for teachers of secondary schools, especially in rural areas, conference activity.. Development of integrated curricula and programs of many-stage and continuous еco- education Development of didactic principles and realization of pedagogical support of regional events with participants of different ages
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