United Nations Secretariat Young Professionals Programme (YPP) Janos Tisovszky Acting Director, United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna Introduce UNIS
United Nations: Introduction Introduce UNIS
UN Charter The purposes of the United Nations are to: maintain international peace and security; develop friendly relations among nations; achieve international co-operation in solving international problems; and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends. Charter is a mission statement in that it sets out the purposes of the Organization. Point 3: with developments pf past 6-7 decades, there are fewer and fewer issues that are not seen as international issues, that don‘t need countries working together to find common solutions. I will return to the point of defining key intenrational problems in a few minutes. The Charter also sets out the ‚rules of the game‘, the rights and obligations of Members and the decision-making processes. The United Nations is defined in the Charter as an international organization based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members. Currently 192 Member States.
The Charter established six principal organs of the United Nations: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. The United Nations family, however, is much larger, encompassing 15 agencies and several programmes and bodies.
UN Secretariat (1) Carries out day-to-day work of the Organization and services its principal organs Staffed by international civil servants Headquartered in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, with offices and field missions around the world 44,000 staff members The Secretariat — an international staff working in duty stations around the world — carries out the diverse day-to-day work of the Organization. It services the other principal organs of the United Nations and administers the programmes and policies laid down by them. At its head is the Secretary-General, who is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a five-year, renewable term. The duties carried out by the Secretariat are as varied as the problems dealt with by the United Nations. These range from administering peacekeeping operations to mediating international disputes, from surveying economic and social trends and problems to preparing studies on human rights and sustainable development. Secretariat staff also inform the world's communications media about the work of the United Nations; organize international conferences on issues of worldwide concern; and interpret speeches and translate documents into the Organization's official languages. As of 30 June 2010, the Secretariat had some 44,000 staff members around the world1. As international civil servants, staff members and the Secretary-General answer to the United Nations alone for their activities, and take an oath not to seek or receive instructions from any Government or outside authority. Under the Charter, each Member State undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff and to refrain from seeking to influence them improperly in the discharge of their duties. The United Nations, while headquartered in New York, maintains a significant presence in Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Beirut, Geneva, Nairobi, Santiago and Vienna, and has offices all over the world.
UN Secretariat (2) Headed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon Vision: Building a stronger United Nations for a better world The current Secretary-General, and the eighth occupant of the post, is Ban Ki-moon of the Republic of Korea, who took office on 1 January 2007. If asked: Secretariat Budget: 5.16 billion USD 2010-2011
United Nations: Areas of Work Development Peace and Security Human Rights Humanitarian Affairs International Law I’d like to return to our discussion on the purposes of the UN and the issues that the Organization deals with. These can be grouped into three broad thematic clusters. Note that these are not separate areas but closely connected with one another. I would like to outline some of the activities of the United Nations in each of these areas.
Development: Millennium Development Goals
Millennium Development Goals Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV-AIDS, malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Global partnership for development
International Peace and Security
Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Offer a definition of each of the five terms conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace enforcement, peacekeeping, peacebuilding In fact, however, the distinctions between these activities are frequently blurred, for instance between robust peacekeeping and peace enforcement, or between peacekeeping and peacebuilding. More importantly, this spectrum of definitions suggests a certain chronological order that often does not reflect realities on the ground (esp. low-intensity conflicts), where up to all five of the activities in this spectrum may be ongoing simultaneously. Ideally, they can be mutually reinforcing. On the other hand, difficulties in implementing these areas simultaneously can also lead to critical gaps or unclear understanding of mandates.
Peacekeeping: Current Missions Other peace and security challenges: Disarmament and non-proliferation Drugs, organized crime, terrorism
Human Rights
Human Rights: Dignity and Justice for all of us Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal principles in a living document Foundation of international Human Rights Law World’s most translated document: 360 languages More than 60 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we have come a long way since the adoption of the Declaration. But we must also acknowledge that we have not yet lived up to its vision. In particular the challenge remains of overcoming the persisting abuses, the omissions and the neglect that still stand in the way of full implementation of human rights.
Human Rights: Actors Primary responsibility: the individual State United Nations: General Assembly Charter-based bodies: Human Rights Council Special procedures: Special Rapporteurs, Independent Experts, Working Groups Treaty-based bodies High Commissioner for Human Rights
Humanitarian Affairs
Humanitarian Affairs: Did you know, the UN… Feeds 90 million people in 73 countries in 2011 (WFP) Assisted children in 290 humanitarian situations in 98 countries in 2010 (UNICEF) Is a global leader in vaccine supply, reaching 40% of the world’s children (UNICEF)
Humanitarian Affairs
International Law: Did you know… Over 500 multinational treaties – on human rights, terrorism, international crime, refugees, disarmament, commodities and the oceans – have been enacted through the efforts of the United Nations.
Priorities and the way ahead Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has outlined five imperatives: Five generational opportunities to shape the world tomorrow by the decisions we make today Today, I would like to share with you my perspective on the way ahead. As I see it, we have five imperatives ... five generational opportunities to shape the world of tomorrow by the decisions we make today. The first and greatest of these is sustainable development ... the imperative of the 21st century. Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth ... these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women's empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all. Rio+20 must succeed. We must make progress on climate change. We cannot burn our way to the future. We cannot pretend the danger does not exist ... or dismiss it because it affects someone else. Today, I call on you to reach a binding climate change agreement ... an agreement with more ambitious national and global emissions targets. And we need action on the ground, now ... on cutting emissions and on adaptation. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Energy is key ... to our planet, to our way of life. That is why we have launched a pioneering new initiative, Sustainable Energy for All. We must invest in people ... particularly in education and women's and children's health. Development is not sustainable unless it is equitable and serves all people. We must intensify our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and more. Today, I urge you to think even bigger and beyond the 2015 deadline. Let us develop a new generation of sustainable development goals to pick up where the MDGs leave off. Let us agree on the means to achieve them. A second great opportunity: prevention. This year, the UN peacekeeping budget will total $8 billion. Consider the savings if we act before conflicts erupt ... by deploying political mediation missions, for example, rather than troops. We know how to do this. Our record proves it ... in Guinea, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan. To prevent violations of human rights, we must work for the rule of law and stand against impunity. We have carved out a new dimension for the Responsibility to Protect. We will continue. To prevent runaway damage from natural disasters, we must work for better disaster-risk reduction and preparedness. And let us remember: development is ultimately the best prevention. Today, I ask your support. Let us commit the resources required. Let us raise “prevention” from an abstract concept to a core operating principle, across the spectrum of our work. Ladies and gentlemen, A third imperative: building a safer and more secure world ... our core responsibility as the United Nations. This year we were sorely tested. In Côte d'Ivoire, we stood firm for democracy and human rights. Working closely with our regional partners, we made a difference in the lives of millions of people. In Afghanistan and Iraq, we will carry on our missions with determination and commitment to the people of these proud nations. In Darfur, we continue to save lives and help keep peace under difficult conditions. Our success demands the cooperation and full support of the international community, the parties on the ground and the Sudanese Government. In Sudan, the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement must work together to prevent conflict and settle outstanding issues. In the Middle East, we must break the stalemate. We have long agreed that Palestinians deserve a state. Israel needs security. Both want peace. We pledge our unrelenting efforts to help achieve that peace through a negotiated settlement. We must be innovative in maximizing the unique force for good that is UN peacekeeping. We are pioneering new approaches. We have strengthened our field support and reconfigured the architecture of peacekeeping operations. In places like the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sierra Leone, we are building peace by advancing civil society, promoting the rule of law and creating institutions of honest and effective governance. Today we are capable of more rapid and effective response than ever before, and we will continue. We remain the world's first emergency responders ... in Pakistan, Haiti and beyond. It is essential that we continue to build on our most innovative and effective tool for humanitarian relief ... the Central Emergency Response Fund, or CERF. Famine in Somalia continues to spread. I appeal to you: help save the children of the Horn of Africa. As we learned in Fukushima and elsewhere, nuclear accidents do not respect national borders. We need global action. We need strong international safety standards to prevent future disasters. Let us keep pushing on disarmament and non-proliferation. Let us fulfil the dream ... a world free of nuclear weapons. The fourth big opportunity: supporting nations in transition. This year's dramatic events in North Africa and the Middle East inspired us. Let us help make the Arab Spring a true season of hope for all. In Libya, we are deploying a new UN support mission to assist the Libyan authorities establish a new government and legal order, consistent with the aspirations of the Libyan people. Syria is a special concern. For six months we have seen escalating violence and repression. The Government has repeatedly pledged to undertake reforms and listen to its people. It has not done so. The moment to act is now. The violence must stop. Others also look to us. A country may be emerging from war. It may be moving from autocracy to democracy, from poverty to a new prosperity. The UN must help that country find the right path. That may involve support to restore justice or build back public services. It may mean helping to organize elections or write a constitution. Our challenge today is to cement this progress ... and apply the lessons learned. Nowhere is this challenge more clear than in our efforts to help South Sudan build a functioning state after decades of conflict. Fifth and finally: we can dramatically advance our efforts in every sphere by working with ... and working for ... women and young people. Women hold up more than half the sky and represent much of the world's unrealized potential. They are the educators. They raise the children. They hold families together and increasingly drive economies. They are natural leaders. We need their full engagement ... in government, business and civil society. And this year, for the first time, we have UN Women ... our own unique and powerful engine for dynamic change. I am especially pleased to see so many women at this year's General Assembly. I welcome, in particular, the next speaker ... Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, the first woman in UN history to open our General Debate. We can be proud of how many women leaders we have at the United Nations. We will continue our policy of promoting women at all levels of the Organization. And we will focus on the new generation. Young people are more than our future. They are also our present, both in numbers and how they drive political and social change. We must find new ways to create decent jobs and opportunities for them ... around the world.
Five imperatives Sustainable development Prevention Building a safer and more secure world Supporting nations in transition Working for – and with – women and young people
Young Professionals Programme (YPP): Context
Expectations of UN staff For expectations of UN Staff, see: Charter of the United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations Charter of the United Nations Article 100 1. In the performance of their duties, the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any Government or from any other authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action which might reflect on their position as international officials responsible only to the Organization. 2. Each Member of the United Nations undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities. Article 101 1. The staff shall be appointed by the Secretary-General under regulations established by the General Assembly. 3. The paramount consideration in the employment of the staff and in the determination of the conditions of service shall be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible. Under the Charter of the United Nations, the General Assembly provides Staff Regulations which set out the broad principles of human resources policy for the staffing and administration of the Secretariat and the separately administered funds and programmes. The Secretary-General is required by the Staff Regulations to provide and enforce such Staff Rules, consistent with these principles, as he considers necessary.
Values, Competencies, Mobility Core values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity Core competencies and managerial competencies Mobility: Functional and geographic Values: Shared principles and beliefs that underpin the Organization’s work and guide actions and behaviours of staff Competencies: Skills, attributes and behaviours directly related to successful job performance
Staff selection Positions advertised on http://careers.un.org Open to external and internal candidates Exception: entry-level professional positions (YPP)
YPP: the Process Written Examination Oral Examination Placement Assignment, Orientation and Development
YPP 2011 Job families: Member States Participating: 77 Administration Humanitarian Affairs Public Information Statistics Member States Participating: 77 Member States invited: 111 Member States which as of 1 January 2011 were un-represented under-represented in-danger of falling under-represented (on the lower border limit of the range) 28
YPP: Written Examination
Written Examination Wednesday, 7 December 2011 Overall time for the written examination: 4.5 hours Structure: General paper Specialized paper Examinees are fully responsible for any expenses related to their travel to the examination centre 30
General Paper Summary and several questions in International Affairs, To be answered in either English or French; Eliminatory 31
Specialized Paper Essays and short questions in the substantive area To be answered in any of the UN official languages. The essay part of this paper is eliminatory
YPP: Oral Examination
The Examination: Oral Part Competency-based interview and possibly an oral presentation. UN Secretariat will cover the travel expenses of examinees invited to the oral examination If asked when: April 2012 tentative 34
Values and competencies Shared principles and beliefs that underpin the Organization’s work and guide actions and behaviours of staff Competencies: Skills, attributes and behaviours directly related to successful job performance Competency is a combinattion of skills, attributes and behaviours that are directly related to successful performance on the job. Competencies are not specific to any occupation.
Values and Competencies Core Values Core Competencies Managerial Integrity Professionalism Respect for Diversity Communication Teamwork Planning and Organizing Accountability Creativity Client Orientation Commitment to Continuous Learning Technological Awareness Vision Leadership Empowering Others Managing Performance Building Trust Judgement and Decision-making
Competency-based interviews “Past, demonstrated behavior is the best indicator of future performance” Questions ask about past professional experiences that can demonstrate that the applicant is competent Competencies are forward-looking; they describe skills and attributes that staff and managers need to build human capital and meet future challenges Competencies help organizations clarify expectations and define future development needs CBI questions ask about past professional experiences that can demonstrate that the applicant is competent The theory is that if you can demonstrate that you have done it in the past or have learned from the past, chances are that you will be able to do it in the future When assessing the applicants’ responses, panels will ascertain the depth and complexity of the responses given by applicants CBI is sometimes referred to as behavioral or situational interviewing 37
CAR (L) Principle Context: You will be expected to give an overview of the situation: what the situation was about, how you first got involved, what were the key events and the time frame Actions You will be expected to cover significant events, specific instances, that were clearly attributable to you rather than the team Results What was the outcome, impact or results of your actions: You may be asked questions such as how did it turn out? What was the final result? Learning What did you learn from this experience? 38 38
During the interview: do Make a good first and last impression Dress appropriately Maintain eye contact with the person who asked the question, if culturally appropriate Even on the telephone, smile Listen carefully to the complete question. Ask for clarification if a question is not clear Keep to the point. Be as specific as possible Provide concrete examples that show you were able to handle a situation and/or learned from it
During the interview: do not Answer in the hypothetical Talk about “we”, rather talk in the “I” Espouse theories or values (“waffling on”) Make blanket generalizations nor statements about the future Interrupt the panel Ask questions about benefits and entitlements
Exercise: Teamwork Describe to us a successful teamwork work experience What was the situation? What was your role? What made the team successful? How did you handle any disagreements within the team? What were the results? What did you learn from the experience? If you had to do it again what would you do differently? 41 41
Exercise Planning and Organizing Tell us about a time you had to organize or plan a major event What was the nature of the event? What was your role? How did you plan and organize the different actions to carry out? How did the event turn out? Reflecting back, what did you learn from the experience? If you had to do it again what would you do differently? 42 42
Exercise Planning and Organizing Tell us about a time where you had a number of demands being made on you at the same time? How did you handle it? What was the situation? What was your role? How did you plan and organize the different actions to carry out? What were the results? What did you learn from the experience? If you had to do it again what would you do differently? 43 43
Exercise: Creativity Describe to us a situation when you had to be creative What was the nature of the situation? What was your role? What were the different actions you carried out? What were the results? What did you learn from the experience? If you had to do it again what would you do differently? 44 44
Exercise: Integrity Describe to us a situation where you felt pressured to act in a way that would compromise your values or those of the organization What was the nature of the situation? What were the implications of your actions? How did you respond to the pressure? What was the results? What did you learn from the experience? If you had to do it again what would you do differently? 45 45
YPP: Results and Placement
Successful Candidates Placement To be placed in positions at the P-1 or P-2 level in any Secretariat duty station or peacekeeping operation. Whether first assignment is P1 or P2 depends on type of university degree and work experience. Second assignment is P2 47
Reserve List Only those who cannot be placed will be kept on a reserve list, from which future vacancies will be filled. The reserve list has a lifespan of two years after the conclusion of the examination. Candidates who refuse one invitation to interview or one official offer of employment will be removed from the reserve list.
Assignment, Orientation & Development Initial assignment: Two years Second assignment: In a different duty station Two-week orientation programme prior to first assignment Dedicated training budget to ensure professional development 49
Working for the UN
Who we are We are international civil servants. Our work touches lives in every corner of the globe is complex and multifaceted extends directly and indirectly to our 193 Member States. In the last decade, the United Nations has increased its field-based operations Over 50 per cent of our 44,000 staff work in field locations all over the world Over 100,000 personnel in 16 peacekeeping and 11 political missions 51
UNOG, UNCTAD, OHCHR, ECE, OCHA Where we are Geneva UNOG, UNCTAD, OHCHR, ECE, OCHA Nairobi UNON,UNEP, UN-Habitat New York UN Headquarters Vienna UNOV, UNODC The Hague ICTY Addis Ababa ECA Bangkok ESCAP Beirut ESCWA Santiago ECLAC Arusha ICTR 52
Types of Jobs Administrators Aviation Cartography Audit Conference and Language Staff Drug Control & Crime Prevention Demographics Economic Affairs Electoral Affairs Engineering Information and Communications Technology Information Management Library Science
Logistics Procurement Medical Programme/Project Management Security Humanitarian Affairs Human Rights Legal Affairs Political Affairs Public Administration Public Information, Radio & TV Rule of Law Social Affairs Statistics
Professional Jobs Experience requirements after obtaining your degree: P-2 = YPP or Language recruitment examination or 2 years without exam P-3 = 5 years P-4 = 7 years P-5 = 10 years D-1/D-2 = 15 years
Pay and benefits Competitive Salaries Annual & Sick Leave Home Leave Maternity & Paternity Leave Education Grant & Travel Rental Subsidy Defined-benefits Pension at age 62 Health Insurance Installation & Shipment & Repatriation Pay for Additional Official Language Mobility and Hardship Pay Rest and Recuperation (peacekeeping missions) Mentoring Programme for New Staff Development & Learning opportunities
Application Process Evaluation of the application Assessment exercise Competency-based interview Background checks Selection notification Search for job openings Understand the position and location Create a profile and draft application Apply to a job opening
Personal History Profile (PHP) Description of Duties Duties: What you did in your job Describe your responsibilities with careful attention to the vacancy for which you are applying Use Current job: present tense Past job(s): past tense Summary of Achievements Achievements: How well did you do in your job Provide specific examples where you made an impact/contribution in the positions you have held Description of Duties Highlight your job responsibilities. Describe your duties with careful attention to the vacancy for which you are applying. Use action verbs; Current job in present tense All others in past tense. Summary of Achievements Provide specific examples where you made an impact in the positions for your employers. Be specific in describing the impact/ contributions you have made. 60
Cover Letter Describe how your experience, qualifications and competencies match the specific position You can distinguish yourself from other candidates by highlighting what makes you a good match for the position Structure Open with a statement of interest Summarize your qualifications, experience and competencies relating to the specific positions Close with a brief recapitulation Make it impressive and customize it Preparing the Cover Letter The cover letter, which you must complete when applying for a job at the United Nations, is the personal introduction that accompanies your application. Your aim in the cover letter is to describe how your experience, qualifications and competencies match the job for which you are applying. Think of your cover letter as an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other job seekers by highlighting what makes you the best match for the position. Your cover letter should be brief, three to four paragraphs, and as targeted as possible to the position for which you are applying. Focus on the most relevant parts of your background that relate to the job opening. 61
Additional Tips The UN will first get to know you through your application/PHP Be truthful, accurate and specific Make your words count Prepare application/PHP offline using a word processor application (e.g. MS Word) Print application/PHP on screen or paper to proofread and review Save your applications Be concise. Make your words count. Your use of language is extremely important; you need to project yourself efficiently. Address the job's needs with clearly written, powerful phrases. Provide small, digestible pieces of information. Use action verbs Avoid passive sentence constructions Avoid clichés Make the most of your experience. We need to know what you have accomplished to have an idea of what you can do for us. Don't be vague. Especially in your achievements section, focus on what you've accomplished and achieved, as opposed to what you do on a daily basis. Be honest. There is a difference between making the most of your experience and exaggerating or falsifying it. Target. Target. Target. Be specific. If you are going after more than one job opening, customize your application accordingly. The system allows you to update it, so you can tailor your application for a specific position. The same applies to your cover letters – customize them for each application. Customizing the cover letter is the easiest way for you to demonstrate that you have clearly read and understood the job opening. 62
Thank you for your attention! www.un.org http://careers.un.org www.unis.unvienna.org